kvak wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:28 am
Haos Visual with conditional signal arrows
This version of the Haos will only display arrows on certain conditions to outline and provide trades into the overall trend:
- An arrow will only be displayed each time the fast WPR breaks the 0 level whilst the cloud is above the 0 level (for uptrend continuation).
- An arrow will only be displayed each time the fast WPR breaks the 0 level whilst the cloud is below the 0 level (for downtrend continuation).
- A new, opposite big arrow will display when the slow WPR breaks the 0 level (for strong, overall trend signal)
HAOS visual is one of the most powerful trend indicators, capable of predicting the Hi/Lo of the market with great accuracy.
It provides reliable entry signals while detecting impending reversals.
Operating principle:
HAOS Visual uses Fast WPR and Slow WPR to optimize its level of accuracy in creating overall market trend clouds.
The fast WPR, which moves first to price changes .
The slow WPR , which follows with a slight lag.
When the slow WPR crosses the 0 level => a new global trend is formed.
If the cloud is above level 0 => The trend is bullish.
And the rest as long as the 2 WPRs remain above this level 0 predict
If the cloud is below level 0 => The trend is bearish,
And it remains so as long as the 2 WPRs remain below this 0 level.
Usage strategy
1- Trend Confirmation (Continuation)
Sell :
When the fast WPR moves away from the bearish cloud and approaches the overbought zone or becomes overbought
You can prepare to sell by anticipating a return of the price in the direction of the downtrend (Trend Continuation).
Buy :
When the fast WPR moves away from the uptrend cloud and approaches the oversold zone or becomes oversold.
You can prepare to buy by anticipating a return of the price in the direction of the uptrend (Trend Continuation).
2- Reversal detection
Scalping :
When the fast WPR crosses the slow WPR in the overbought /oversold zone or a double overbought /oversold pattern appears => you can scalp this reversal.
Major reversal:
The appearance of a green/yellow cloud indicates a significant impending reversal, for which you should prepare.
3- Entry signal:
* trade entry signal is validated when this fast WPR crosses above/below the 0 level.