IndicatorChaos Visual Averages Indicators for MT4

Chaos Visual Averages (Haos Visual Averages) Indicators for MT4

Important thread contents pages The best indicator for reversals

One of the biggest mistakes trading novices make is that they try to generate as much information as possible from one chart by using many unnecessary indicators. The result is a chart full of lines, squiggles and all sorts of nonsense which gives the trader a conflicting story.
Such on-screen "fuss" confuses a new trader forcing them to open or hold onto unprofitable positions until the dreaded Margin Call is announced.

Keep it simple they say. But how?

By using the Chaos Visual Averages indicator by Mladen.
Not only does Mladen's indicator produce the most accurate reversal signals to date, the indicator allows a trader to easily join the trend and take counter-trend trades back into the direction of the trend.

If a trader chooses to work with Chaos, the trader should have a clean chart and not use additional oscillators, as they are all already included in Visual Chaos.

Tip: A simple and winning system using Chaos can be made by marking Weekly and Daily Support and Resistance lines and counter-trend trading the approaching bounces off those support and resistance lines using the Overbought Extreme and Oversold Extreme signals of the 15 minute Chaos.

  • Uncanny accuracy in detecting reversals.
  • Visually pleasing and easy to see market conditions.
  • Can be used as a trend trading indicator or a counter-trend trading indicator.
  • Strong back-testing results (almost 95% accuracy on "Extreme" signals).
  • An "all-in-one" indicator which can be used to trade for a living.
  • Even with Overbought "Extreme" and Oversold "Extreme" conditions the indicator can sometimes cause you to trade in the reverse direction of a very strong trend causing large drawdowns before price eventually reverses.
  • Overbought "Extreme" and Oversold "Extreme" signals can be few and far between when trading on the 15 minute timeframe and higher. To counter this it's recommended to trade at least 8 Major pairs to receive "Extreme" signals often.
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Re: Chaos Visual Averages Indicators for MT4

This is the Optimized Haos Visual Averages version which was released prior to the Chaos Visual Averages.
As this was already optimized, this version of Haos's "Extreme" signals are identical to Chaos Visual Averages "Extreme" signals from the first post.

Tip: This version is ideal for traders using Haos/Chaos as a trend trading indicator as it easily outlines the overall trend in grey.
When the thin red line has ventured away from the grey histogram columns (trend) and moves near the -30 Oversold or +30 Overbought areas, you can prepare to enter a trade in anticipation for price to join back in the direction of the overall trend (grey histogram columns).
Grey histogram columns above the 0 line indicate an uptrend and grey histogram columns that are below the 0 line indicate a downtrend.
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Mehrab, JustInForEx, mhipolito, Jedidiah, boytoy
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Re: Chaos Visual Averages Indicators for MT4

Holmes27 wrote: Mon Aug 14, 2017 9:48 pm Hello Jimmy

Thanks very much for flagging up the usefulness of these two indicators.

Just one question: With the HaosVisual averages indicator, what do the red histogram bars represent?

With thanks

You're most welcome! By default, the Red histogram bars in Haos are the oversold "warning" bars. The same with the overbought Green warning bars.
For me, I like to change the colour of the oversold "warning" bars to Sandy Brown and the "Extreme" bars to Red instead.
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Re: Chaos Visual Averages Indicators for MT4

Jimmy wrote: Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:01 pm
You're most welcome! By default, the Red histogram bars in Haos are the oversold "warning" bars. The same with the overbought Green warning bars.
For me, I like to change the colour of the oversold "warning" bars to Sandy Brown and the "Extreme" bars to Red instead.

Cheers Jimmy, I understand now: there are 'warning bars' and 'extreme bars' for both the overbought condition and the oversold condition.

With thanks


Re: Chaos Visual Averages Indicators for MT4

Hello everyone,

would you be so kind to tell me which are the buffers for when the histograms are shown, please?

and could you attach the new list of averages for 1.43, i have an old one

Code: Select all

enum enMaTypes
   ma_adxvma,  // Adxvma
   ma_ahr,     // Ahrens moving average
   ma_alxma,   // Alexander moving average - ALXMA
   ma_dema,    // Double exponential moving average - DEMA
   ma_dsema,   // Double smoothed exponential moving average - DSEMA
   ma_emas,    // Ema derivative - EMAD
   ma_ema,     // Exponential moving average - EMA
   ma_hull,    // Hull moving average - HMA
   ma_ie2,     // IE/2
   ma_ie_2,     // IE/2
   ma_ilinr,   // Integral of linear regression slope
   ma_itl,     // Instantaneous trendline
   ma_lagg,    // Laguerre filter
   ma_lead,    // Leader exponential moving average
   ma_linr,    // Linear regression value - LSMA
   ma_lwma,    // Linear weighted moving average - LWMA
   ma_mcg,     // McGinley Dynamic
   ma_mcma,    // McNicholl ema
   ma_nlma,    // Non lag moving average
   ma_pwma,    // Parabolic weighted moving average - PWMA
   ma_rmta,    // Recursive moving trendline - RMTA
   ma_sma,     // Simple moving average - SMA
   ma_sine,    // Sine weighted moving average
   ma_smma,    // Smoothed moving average - SMMA
   ma_smoo,    // Smoother
   ma_ssm,     // Super smoother
   ma_b3p,     // Three pole Ehlers Butterworth
   ma_s3p,     // Three pole Ehlers smoother
   ma_tma,     // Triangular moving average - TMA
   ma_tema,    // Tripple exponential moving average - TEMA
   ma_b2p,     // Two pole Ehlers Butterworth
   ma_s2p,     // Two pole Ehlers smoother
   ma_vema,    // Volume weighted ema - VEMA
   ma_vwma,    // Volume weighted moving average - VWMA
   ma_zldema,  // Zero lag dema
   ma_zlma,    // Zero lag moving average
   ma_zltema   // Zero lag tema

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