Re: Something interesting please post here (Metatrader)

losajoca wrote:Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:14 am


I see the alerts option but no mtf, right?
Yep :)
Will make mtf too

PS: just one explanation (the why I posted the ex4 file) - there was a challenge that someone should decompile the newest version of choppiness index. Until I see that it is decompiled - or reasonable time have passed and it was not decompiled - the ex4 file will be posted. There is no "secret" in it that prevents mq4 file to be posted - just the upper reason

Re: Something interesting please post here (Metatrader)

mladen wrote:Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:41 am

Yep :)
Will make mtf too

PS: just one explanation (the why I posted the ex4 file) - there was a challenge that someone should decompile the newest version of choppiness index. Until I see that it is decompiled - or reasonable time have passed and it was not decompiled - the ex4 file will be posted. There is no "secret" in it that prevents mq4 file to be posted - just the upper reason
Maybe I did'nt understood correctly but the mtf version can also be a ex4 isn't so?

Re: Something interesting please post here (Metatrader)

Cladi39 wrote:Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:52 am

Thanks soo much mntiwana for this nice tool, .The simbols like stars in the chart repaint at candle close?
Please apply it on M1 chart and watch for a while,then check if any of star repaint and or replace its location,i have not tried,it is a out source code (ex4)
Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

CodeRe: Something interesting please post here (Metatrader)

Custom Candlesticks for MT4

Here is a version of Custom candles - any time frame that has an option to draw wicks as boxes (also it works in the new metatrader 4 too without a need to be compiled in build 509). Example : BoxedWicks set to true and FilledCandles set to true

version 1.04 attach

already @MLADEN add limit bars option to it for quick loading chart & user friend

Set the Candles Unique Identifier of each instance to unique value and then you can place as many instances of the indicator as you wish
what we want: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=9 <3
what market delivers: 1+2+8+7-4+0-5+8-4-5+1=9 :problem:

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