Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:42 pm What happened??
What happened was that my eyes were opened when I began to thoughtfully study what this “crazy man” was writing about. After that, I had the strength to make a public apology to this person for insulting him for no reason. And it’s a regret that few people’s eyes were opened. Although, I have nothing particularly to regret. Life will be calmer. His approach is not something that a wide range of people need to know and understand. If only you knew how much of this iceberg was left under water, which Doji did not tell. His plans were to present the material gradually in the hope that it would be easier for people to understand. What he managed to give is no more than 30% of everything he has at this moment. That's how it is guys...
What happened was that my eyes were opened when I began to thoughtfully study what this “crazy man” was writing about. After that, I had the strength to make a public apology to this person for insulting him for no reason. And it’s a regret that few people’s eyes were opened.

he think that anyone approach to learn his system, all of them are stupid and he will not respect if someone ask quires.. this attitude is not good for a professional, experienced and aged person.
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 8:00 pm And the most interesting thing is that in the overwhelming majority of your “systems” we see these same notorious semaphores.
a) I don't think the majority of traders uses repainters
b) Maybe you are the only person here who calls repainters "notorious". The traders who use them (for whatever reason) know why they use them and understand how to use them.
c) Only you and your "master" believe that technical or fundamental traders have no idea about chaos and markets. So you permanently feel the urge to educate them (albeit by belittling their mental abilities).
d) Maybe someone like Xard understood the market's chaotic determinism long before your "master", and his "system" is the logical consequence of this understanding.
e) Maybe what you cannot stop preaching about was only a Heureka-moment for you and your "master" in 2023 - for the rest of the trading community all your insights possibly were already well established but you simply could not see it in their "systems" until you understood the basic axioms yourself...
f) but then again: maybe both of you simply needed the attention (as all self-appointed prophets do)...

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:42 pm What happened??
What happened was that my eyes were opened when I began to thoughtfully study what this “crazy man” was writing about. After that, I had the strength to make a public apology to this person for insulting him for no reason.
ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:46 pm Thus, Forex Station openly stated that this resource will not contribute to the dissemination of true knowledge and the only correct approach to trading.
Instead, the resource will, as before, contribute to the dissemination of deliberately false knowledge in this area in the form of writing, posting, modifications of various kinds of indicators and other similar trinkets, as well as the generation of an infinite number of combinations of these trinkets in the form of templates for so-called “strategies” and “systems”.
Do you not understand that you all and each of you is going in the wrong direction, or are you pretending that you don’t understand?? He was the only one with a reasoned approach here.

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:46 pm But in principle, it doesn’t matter anymore. It is done. Under no circumstances will he return here; accordingly, this thread automatically ceases to exist. The resource's moderators condemned all its users to ignorance. This is very reminiscent of the situation with Galileo, after his statement that the earth is a sphere and not a plane. You can continue to remain flat-earthers, for which I congratulate you.

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 6:46 pm Write, upgrade your indicators to infinity and make endless templates out of them, like kids who were given Lego.
Good luck, guys!!! :wave: :facepalm:
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Honestly why?

This is completely unfair, regarding the people who are following his system and invested a shitload of time to learn the Orbit method. What is the purpose of a forum? To kill threads in order to leave all active members in the rain?

Why people like Josie frequently popped up in this thread to provoke? You have known how he will react! Why don't you left the thread alone? It's like they wanted to escalate the dispute. When you are not interested in Orbit and you don't like Samm's way of dealing with people and things like the 100/100 thesis, WHY DON'T YOU STAY AWAY?

Your post about repainting and all the shit shows that you have no clue what Orbit is all about. I have a hit rate of more than 90% with Orbit. It was really satisfying to trade it and after YEARSSSSSS I found something that worked for me, and it was all I ever wanted. Orbit is highly depended on Samm because it has an expiry date, and he improved it constantly. I knew it would be risky to follow such a trading method, but until today I have not regretted it. Therefore, thank you to all the egos here for fueling the conflicts with the known result. You got what you wanted. The question is why only one person was banned.
These users thanked the author ForexFux for the post (total 2):
ImpLaNT, Dave111

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Overeasy wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:38 am How do you trade with it? I only saw a few posts but looks like very complicated. You say 90% win rate? Wow. Thats like almost unbelievable. If I had anything close to 90% I borrow as much as I can, all in and go to a beach somewhere. I for sure then sell that thing to a hedge fund for maybe a billion dollars.
It's all in this thread. You only have to invest allllllllloooooootttt time and brainpower to understand it.

But why is it important anymore. The bullies made sure it ends here. That's so disappointing and poor!

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Sun Dec 17, 2023 2:08 am Regarding indicators, please refer to other forum threads. Go to any one - you can't go wrong. This is the only thread where we are hardly talked about it. You've definitely come to the wrong address...
I was just interested for the controversy. I like real estate and housewife shows. I saw on one real estate show this Nigerian agent turned the whole office against each other for no reason. Well, the reason I think was because he enjoyed the chaos and control. He had a twin as well, same birthday, also from Nigeria. Anyway, for 90% win rate I will read up and if there is an account to donate to, put me first in line.

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