Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

And the next stage

BUT hope everyone knows the final stage. It is after that you really both with the Screenface to track. That is also how you do not grow crazy trying to interpret every Icon on Screenface because you are now in control and like a pilot at control you only need to keep control so track the ScreenFace reads for amplitude etc

Common guys trade - No Fear

These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post:

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:54 am This is a very interesting statement. I apologize for trying to clarify this situation so late, two days after this event, but I’m extremely interested in what exactly you were guided by when you opened a buy position two hours before the FOMC release? I was sleeping at that time because it was late at night. But as far as I can believe, Orbit did not give any signal to buy entry before the news release. If you have saved screenshots of the moment when you opened a position, please share them with explanations of what exactly guided you to open buy, what exactly served as a signal for you that shape already changed? This is a very interesting moment...

Sorry but don't have any screenshots, but i spoke in post 2246 about the fact that KSO was at low amplitude and 6n had been changing to green which is an early signal that a change could be coming. A sell order got triggered but never went far when I was sleeping, and I noted that 6n had went back to green with a change in direction with nTT leading the way long before the news so entered a buy with another pending buy higher up which got triggered as well with the up.
These users thanked the author Dave111 for the post (total 2):
Darkdoji, ImpLaNT

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

all attractors know the dance so it is easy and consistent and in al of this the truth is that the market was very poorly described to you before now and you can only accept and gain confidence in yourself when you know the truth and use the truth to your benefit. It is not just about Orbit the Tool is also about chaos and fractal geometry my friends. You cannot trade the two in the way you used to trade markets there is a new and powerful story you must learn to be effective.

Happy trading still in FLE I think in Gold (and by that I mean no breakout yet but please understand both terms for what they mean in chaos).


I see that @BeatlemaniaSA is really getting fascinated by our stories and might find a thing or two to use his side of the fence. We do not mind but for our hard work we do expect some acknowledgement that is all.
These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post:

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:51 pm I see that @BeatlemaniaSA is getting fascinated by our stories and might find a thing or two to use his side of the fence. We do not mind but for our hard work, we do expect some acknowledgement that is all.

I am a very calm and passive guy and it takes a lot to get me annoyed or riled up. But please DO NOT make assumptions about my trading and the systems I develop.

DO NOT attempt to take credit for ANY of the systems I develop. I have NOT and have NO intention to incorporate anything that you share within your thread!

Take credit for YOUR work and not MINE!

These users thanked the author BeatlemaniaSA for the post (total 5):
Darkdoji, josi, sal, Woodyz, ChuChu Rocket
BEATS V5 - "Enjoy The Quiet Between Trades”

Improve Your Trading Psychology - NO FEAR, NO DOUBT

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

BeatlemaniaSA wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:11 pm Darkdoji,

I am a very calm and passive guy and it takes a lot to get me annoyed or riled up. But please DO NOT make assumptions about my trading and the systems I develop.

DO NOT attempt to take credit for ANY of the systems I develop. I have NOT and have NO intention to incorporate anything that you share within your thread!

Take credit for YOUR work and not MINE!

I do not care how calm you are I just want to know how honest you are as a person. So you are here everyday and on every new post I make. So given a busy thread you run, can you kindly state your purpose and frequency here then? You see when I come to your thread I say a word or two or thank one or two posters and leave. Showing some support now that is me. So what you come around then to do cowboy? What? tell us?

The Crow (_-_) Does not like discourteous behaviour
These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post:

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:24 pm I do not care how calm you are I just want to know how honest you are as a person. So you are here every day and on every new post I make. So given a busy thread you run, can you kindly state your purpose and frequency here then? You see when I come to your thread I say a word or two or thank one or two posters and leave. So what you come around then to do cowboy? What? tell us?

The Crow (_-_) Does not like discourteous behaviour
As I have been on this thread for over 3 years and have the time every day I like to read ALL posts that members make. I have NO INTENTION to take anything that you have posted in your thread. It does not interest me. I read I leave.

The ONLY individuals that I will require assistance, ideas, and help from are @mrtools, @kvak, @banzai, @XARD777 and @jimmy

BEATS V5 - "Enjoy The Quiet Between Trades”

Improve Your Trading Psychology - NO FEAR, NO DOUBT

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

BeatlemaniaSA wrote: Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:32 pm As I have been on this thread for over 3 years and have the time every day I like to read ALL posts that members make. I have NO INTENTION to take anything that you have posted in your thread. It does not interest me. I read I leave.

The ONLY individuals that I will require assistance, ideas, and help from are @mrtools, @kvak, @banzai, and @jimmy

That is not my point. You open your mind when you visit others and so do not give me that crap, especially seeing what I think about you. It is up there and I will restate it again. Who the hell you think you are? You will not return favours? That to me is no manners boss. Got that? Before I get really mad at you.

The Crow (-_-) Does NOT like discourteous people at all.

ExclamationDoji was banned!!!

Yesterday, for unknown and incomprehensible reasons, the account of the user Darkdoji, who is the creator of this thread, the author of a chaotic approach to market trading, as well as the Orbit the Tool, was blocked.
In connection with the current situation, I ask the resource administration to give public comments in this thread on the basis of which you made a such decision. Thank you.

Re: Doji was banned!!!

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:55 pm Yesterday, for unknown and incomprehensible reasons, the account of the user Darkdoji, who is the creator of this thread, the author of a chaotic approach to market trading, as well as the Orbit the Tool, was blocked.
In connection with the current situation, I ask the resource administration to give public comments in this thread on the basis of which you made a such decision. Thank you.
Who cares the moderators probably had enough of his shit attitude. Just look at the way he talks to others in the posts above.
These users thanked the author ChuChu Rocket for the post (total 3):
sal, moey_dw, boytoy

Re: Doji was banned!!!

ChuChu Rocket wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:17 pm Who cares the moderators probably had enough of his shit attitude. Just look at the way he talks to others in the posts above.
It doesn’t matter what exactly is tired or not and to whom. There must be a reason for the blocking. In his messages above, I see no reason for such a decision. He did not openly insult anyone, nor did he call for anything seditious. Moreover, we are not talking about an ordinary user. Maybe someone didn’t like the tone of his communication, but this is also no reason for a ban.
In any case, I want to wait for a response from the administration and I hope we will see it...

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