Re: 🎬 Tucker Carlson - The Vladimir Putin Interview

boytoy wrote: Sat Feb 10, 2024 1:42 am Certainly a long watch but be patient with the interview it gets good after the history lesson 👍
It certainly does. It's well worth watching... even for the body language. When Carlson exceeds his journalistic power in the situation, he over-laughs awkwardly. When Putin exits his history speech to directly answer a question, his feet bust a move. :lol:
“[A]s we know, there are known knowns—there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns—that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”—Donald Rumsfeld, 2002

Re: 🎬 Tucker Carlson - The Vladimir Putin Interview

JohnnyRy wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:41 am It certainly does. It's well worth watching... even for the body language. When Carlson exceeds his journalistic power in the situation, he over-laughs awkwardly. When Putin exits his history speech to directly answer a question, his feet bust a move. :lol:
Haha saw that. But you're so right when Tucker does that over-laugh random thing a few times I was like huh? What did I miss? Are they having a joke or what 🤔

Re: 🎬 Tucker Carlson - The Vladimir Putin Interview

boytoy wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:13 pm Haha saw that. But you're so right when Tucker does that over-laugh random thing a few times I was like huh? What did I miss? Are they having a joke or what 🤔
Each time Carlson interrupted Putin, Putin asked something like, "Is this a news broadcast, or a talk show?" Carlson is from the US where almost every news broadcast devolves into a talk show thanks to the reversal of the media Fairness Doctrine decades ago. I think Putin was seriously asking, but Carlson was safer in nervously laughing and abandoning the interrupting question.
“[A]s we know, there are known knowns—there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns—that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”—Donald Rumsfeld, 2002

Re: 🎬 Tucker Carlson - The Vladimir Putin Interview

Tucker Carlson's interview with Alexander Dugin, one of the main ideologists
of the Kremlin's current course. Much more interesting than the interview with Putin.
While highlighting the shortcomings of modern liberal democracy, Dugin neglects
to mention the results of the authoritarian system in his own country, in which
the individual and all his rights - including the right to private property - mean nothing,
and power is held by the tsar and a group of loyal praetorians, or oligarchs.
Try to shout 'Let's go Brandon!' there. ;)

(I have huge problems with the forum, 'error code: 522' appears very frequently,
after so many years of excellent forum browsing...)
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Re: 🎬 Tucker Carlson - The Vladimir Putin Interview

wojtek wrote: Fri May 10, 2024 1:33 am Tucker Carlson's interview with Alexander Dugin, one of the main ideologists
of the Kremlin's current course. Much more interesting than the interview with Putin.
While highlighting the shortcomings of modern liberal democracy, Dugin neglects
to mention the results of the authoritarian system in his own country, in which
the individual and all his rights - including the right to private property - mean nothing,
and power is held by the tsar and a group of loyal praetorians, or oligarchs.
Try to shout 'Let's go Brandon!' there. ;)
Let's go, Brandon!😆

Well, that's 21 minutes of my life that I can never get back. It's merely a Muscovite stooge aligned with Don The Con and Little Peuttie. Interestingly, Dugin starts off by promoting homophobia and a national religion. He then proceeds to blither on about theoretical principles on a loop without citing any specific evidence. It all perfectly ends with citations to "science fiction movies" including the Matrix and Terminator films. Actually, Dugin is more like Trump's right-wing extremism and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s conspiracy theories rolled into one person.🙄
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“[A]s we know, there are known knowns—there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns—that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don’t know we don’t know.”—Donald Rumsfeld, 2002

Re: 🎬 Tucker Carlson - The Vladimir Putin Interview

Numerous threads can be developed here. For example, the tsar is not only
an absolute ruler, but also the head of the Orthodox Church,
i.e. someone like the Pope for Catholics. This also makes him
an authority in matters of religion and morality, whom no one can oppose.
You can see the similarity to the British monarch, who is the head of the state
and the Anglican church at the same time, but the British did it smarter,
because when it comes to political power, the king only has a representative function,
not an executive one.
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