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Re: WW3 Countdown

Panta rhei. Did I say that? ;) Though this be madness, yet there is method in't. By offering something like friendship / partnership and even voting like the Kremlin in UN, Trump wants to attract Russia, to separate and distance it from China ...

Re: WW3 Countdown

I love Russian art, mainly classical music, but also literature,
poetry, ballet, the spirituality of philosophers and painters
(Berdyaev, Rublev, etc.). What is happening now is a tragedy...

Re: WW3 Countdown

The Russian section is more detailed about
the situation in Russia, e.g. the economy,
and regarding descriptions that would be difficult
to understand for people not familiar with
present-day Russia. I browse them because
I have been interested in Russia for a long time.

Re: WW3 Countdown

The link doesn't work. We probably don't need to see it. It's a Russian opposition newspaper. Under Yeltsin and even late Gorbachev, real opposition and political satire were doing well, and then - not so much... Other opposition portals are The ...

Re: WW3 Countdown

Report that Musk plans to turn off Starlink to Ukr on March the 1st. Blackout will cover the frontline and 80km into Ukr territory. Starlink is the main means of comms for Ukr forces, if report is true this will have a devastating effect on Ukr's ability to wage war. I heard such an info some time ...

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