Re: Coding Help

DaffyTaffy wrote: Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:53 am Hi Mr.Tools. Here's the MT5 version of the ADR indicator.
Am I allowed to share the source code for my MT5 version? I noticed some code in the original file for protecting the name from being changed so I'm unsure.


XARD: Yes, by all means... share:-)
Here's the source code since I got the go ahead. I'll be looking to contribute more to this forum.
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Re: Coding Help

Hi guys, I swear I'm trying to train my coding and trying a simple hilo EA that with each new bar close signal above or below the indicator it checks how many signals (be above or below) there were in the last X previous bars (only bars independing the time) and if this number of signals/toggle is greater than Y in the range of X bars make the trade, else not, and check it again each new signal.

I'm new to this but I SWEAR I've been trying for DAYS, I've tried all the searches and even chatGPT (useless I think lol). I know it must be something simple to do, but I feel like when I get it right on one side I get it wrong on the other haha. I will attach part of the code below with the function that I call for this "check".

Any help would be welcome. Thank you very much in advance!! And sorry for the rusty english…

Code: Select all

void OnTick()
      handleHilo = iCustom(Symbol(), Period(), "GannHilo", Periodo);
           // Cópia dos buffers dos indicadores de média móvel com períodos curto e longo

      ArraySetAsSeries(hilo, true);
      ArraySetAsSeries(rates, true);

    CopyBuffer(handleHilo, 0, 0, 50, hilo);
    CopyRates(Symbol(), Period(), 0, 50, rates);
      // Compra em caso de cruzamento da média curta para cima da média longa
   if(rates[1].close > hilo[1] && rates[2].close < hilo[2] && HabilitarCompra == true){

                  bool alternador = VerificarPrecoAcimaDoHiLo();
               if (alternador) {
                 // Prossiga com a ordem de compra
                 Print("#############SINAIS TROCADOS NAS ULTIMAS BARRAS###################: ", contadorTrocas);
                 HabilitarCompra = false;
                 HabilitarVenda = true;
                 contadorTrocas = 0;
                     // Venda em caso de cruzamento da média curta para baixo da média longa
        if(rates[1].close < hilo[1] && rates[2].close > hilo[2] && HabilitarVenda == true){

                  bool alternador = VerificarPrecoAcimaDoHiLo();
               if (alternador)   {
                 // Prossiga com a ordem de venda
                     Print("#############SINAIS TROCADOS NAS ULTIMAS BARRAS###################: ", contadorTrocas);
                     HabilitarVenda = false;
                     HabilitarCompra = true;
                     contadorTrocas = 0;

Code: Select all

bool VerificarPrecoAcimaDoHiLo() {
    for (int i = 0; i < intervaloBarras; i++) {
        // Verifica se o preço de fechamento de cada barra está acima do valor HiLo correspondente
        if (rates[i].close > hilo[i] && rates[i+1].close < hilo[i+1]) {
            contadorTrocas++; // Pelo menos uma barra fechou abaixo do HiLo
        else if(rates[i].close < hilo[i] && rates[i+1].close > hilo[i+1]){
            if(contadorTrocas > alternanciaMinima){
               return true;
                     contadorTrocas = 0;
                     return false;
I don't know if I should make an ARRAY or if just doing a correctly FOR would be enough... Thanks again!

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