Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

1337br wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 12:17 am fala meu parceiro!

vamos se unir , e separar aqueles que estao na luta com vontade dos preguiçosos ....

estou alguns anos estudando e testando coisas , venho de uma perda cai em uma espécie de pirâmide financeira em 2014, perdi tudo .... após isso resolvi me levantar somente agora levantei um pequeno capital e estou decidido a me empenhar nesse sistema , somente nesse sistema

vamos aproveitar toda dedicação do Nosso colega XARD.... e fazer jus a essa ajuda

fiz uma negociação hj, na conta demo acho que foi correta irei postar aqui.... vamos pra cima!
Irmao, vou gravar um video aqui pra voce entender qual é a estrategia e subo aqui pra geral
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Forexlearner, 1337br

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

xard777 wrote: Fri Mar 17, 2023 10:00 pm During the London session, I executed a trade based on the observation that the Green Zigzag intra-day cycle line had reached a top before the London Open. Subsequently, the price moved up and created a second Dot, indicating a temporary top of the London session. As the price started to move away from our intra-day bias and go down, I decided to take two down trades and closed all trades at the larger Blue Dot. It is important to note that there is no need to be greedy in trading. Plus, there is always other trades to be had.
One of your best ideas for this setup is that you set the channel to period 144. I have had the channel on my chart for years, but never thought to change the period.
Thanks again for your creativity and for sharing your valuable experience.
These users thanked the author Skyold for the post (total 5):
xard777, satyafx, victortrend, Mickey Abi, RodrigoRT7
We create order out of chaos - we trade that order, but sometimes that chaos is out of order, so we WAIT!!! for the order to return - and we trade again. XARD777

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

Skyold wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:11 am One of your best ideas for this setup is that you set the channel to period 144. I have had the channel on my chart for years, but never thought to change the period.
Thanks again for your creativity and for sharing your valuable experience.
Skyold have you an indicator for channel 144 or you use a xard indicator ? please share :)
When trading, stay calm and be your own best EA

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

Giangyforex wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:20 am Skyold have you an indicator for channel 144 or you use a xard indicator ? please share :)
Original post:

EDIT: This one is better

These users thanked the author Skyold for the post (total 2):
1337br, DaffyTaffy
We create order out of chaos - we trade that order, but sometimes that chaos is out of order, so we WAIT!!! for the order to return - and we trade again. XARD777

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

Hydra wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:12 am thank you everyone for giving me your input

this is a very clear and easy explanation
basically you are trading until the trend is intact and not broken
HL - HH in uptrend
LL - LL in downtrend

please let me know if i understand correctly

We gave different answers ... but yes if you want to, you can incorporate that market structure stuff (HLs + HHs, etc.)

My main point on Gold a few days ago was that your lower timeframe entries should be focused on the buy side because the H4/Daily was up. XARDs system also shows this in the corner.

Hydra wrote: Thu Mar 16, 2023 2:12 am basically you are trading until the trend is intact and not broken

Depends on your timeframes. A trend break in the lower timeframe doesn't mean it is a new trend in the higher timeframe. You'll get natural intraday shifts (which gave you a sell signal.)
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Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

TraderX wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 2:35 am We gave different answers ... but yes if you want to, you can incorporate that market structure stuff (HLs + HHs, etc.)

My main point on Gold a few days ago was that your lower timeframe entries should be focused on the buy side because the H4/Daily was up. XARDs system also shows this in the corner.

Depends on your timeframes. A trend break in the lower timeframe doesn't mean it is a new trend in the higher timeframe. You'll get natural intraday shifts (which gave you a sell signal.)
thanks for your advice
higher timeframe trend will more likely continue i will look into this and see if it helps

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