IndicatorBEST MT4 non-repainting indicators


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The Best Non-Repainting Forex Indicators for MT4 that really work

Dear All ....
I try to have this specific place to post "Best MT4 nrp Indicators" ... and eventually their settings too ...
"nrp" stands for Non Repainting ones .... It will be of great help for all of us .... no comments ...

I start with two indicators posted here ....

 Quantile bands 1.3.mq4     

Best Regards
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Thangarasu, Jimmy

Re: BEST MT4 non-repainting indicators

Dearest Dimitri :)
My lovely brother,if you cant manage place/space in your HD,these are already here in belonging threads .... you are warmly welcome and we have a lot of respect for all of you,only the matter is,it will be confuse users and spreading the stuff unorganized like way will cause problems for users later...... almost every indicator coded by mladen/mrtools is nrp ..... we are trying integrating/compacting categorically for fast and easy access and you are kicking like FB :)
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Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

Re: BEST MT4 non-repainting indicators

Dearest Mntiwana,

I thank you for your reply, which is always welcome. My idea for "BEST MT4 nrp Indicators" is based on a very simple, useful and functional logic ... to have a place where only SELECTED and BEST indicators for trading will be posted ... the "nrp" is just to avoid useless tools ... These Indicators can be used to have better results/performance in trading ... Will also be a new place to exchange and make wider our personal approaches ... Regarding other places will not be hurt because they will continue to exist, here ONLY the "Cream of the Cream" will be selected and posted ...
Hope that our contribution will help each other ameliorating our performance ...
Thank you again for your attention.

Best Regards

Re: BEST MT4 non-repainting indicators

mladen wrote:
I always love to see my indicators renamed and then decompiled
Don't understand me wrong (you could not know that), but that is my high low activator that is using (again my) new jurik smoothing for calculation
lol to funny.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most (if not all) of your indi's non repainting?

Re: BEST MT4 non-repainting indicators

FXSurf wrote: lol to funny. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't most (if not all) of your indi's non repainting?

Since I am saying that repainting is a coding error and recalculating is something else, yes, you are right. But I regretted a thousand times for making centered TMA, Goertzel browser, SSA and some similar stuff - in the end I ended explaining that it is how it is supposed to work but that it is not supposed to be used for signals. Oh well, ces't la vie
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Re: BEST MT4 non-repainting indicators

mrtools wrote:

Hi Bilbao, this would be the original "Forexprofitsupreme". Added an invert the signals because in my opinion the signals are better if inverted = true.(the second instance of the indicator)
thanks very much mrtools

this version is better

what we want: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=9 <3
what market delivers: 1+2+8+7-4+0-5+8-4-5+1=9 :problem:

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