Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

In Trading Orbit the Tool PDF, you stated that a recurrence equation enables calculating exactly the next number based on the current number. Does Orbit the Tool include recurrence calculations? If yes, then is the equation sufficiently detailed/complete such that Orbit actually does calculate the next number and it matches the number that is produced? That is, does the price "prediction" match the next price quote?

If the next number cannot be calculated exactly, does the calculated value fall within some distance from the actual value at some probability range?
The Crow hates eating crow, but serves himself nearly every day.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

regit wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:15 am @DarkDoji
In Trading Orbit the Tool PDF, you stated that a recurrence equation enables calculating exactly the next number based on the current number. Does Orbit the Tool include recurrence calculations? If yes, then is the equation sufficiently detailed/complete such that Orbit actually does calculate the next number and it matches the number that is produced? That is, does the price "prediction" match the next price quote?

If the next number cannot be calculated exactly, does the calculated value fall within some distance from the actual value at some probability range?
No numbers are exact in such a function and it is that exactitude that is the basis for trading Orbit correctly. Will show this clearly (i.e. in a focused way), in my weekend postings and also show why people need to keep strictly to the pattern of numbers. I find your interest in chaotic systems really interesting because you and @Manu9710 really do care about the thesis and do not want to mix things up with unrelated stuff. Love that, and you will be satisfied (will do my best to satisfy you in the planned posts), to show that it is not just the correct thing but the simplest and most profitable way to go. I think after this weekend much or most things of immediate importance to actually trading the approach profitably will become clear and we can all focus on making some money (i.e. those interested in trading by chaos). I am frustrated that what to me is so darned simple is so badly misunderstood it is now getting mixed up with all sorts - probably more confusing than helpful. But till then. Cheers


PS: You may sometimes see me listed as present but actually am not since my browser is closed at such times though when I get back I still see I have access just so you know I did not delay to respond. Another thing is this, the basic compound interest equation is a recurrence relation and in fact I do my compound interest using the Logistic Map. That is why I cannot understand the confusion so obvious in some of the posts I now see. This thing is the simplest, most complete trading application ever. If not mixed up with any razz a learner should be making money within a week. Compound interest - anyone can see how to apply that do you not think? But as the French say C'est La Vie
These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post (total 4):
Chickenspicy, ItalianTrader, regit, Manu9710

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ItalianTrader wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 6:16 am Inverse on trade.
Would like to hear the Master opinion on this one.
Looks good and will cover all the areas marked weekend so that you are earlier in. From explanations weekend you will see that at black low, black high was known and so you could have caught it near or at the very top (if you were available that is). The idea is after this weekend it will be seen from materials provided that there is little need to fear and there will be (I think), therefore enough time to think and trade strategically. But was good just that I think trade was too short (though do not know TP), and could be earlier. But I know the problems and will address them ---> one of which is maybe you are looking at and waiting for too many Icons to be just right for your confidence (maybe), and price was not waiting for you. But lets see what we can do about all of that soon. But great from you. Hey guys everyone calls me master. I am a friend, your buddy, there is nothing special about me and anyone here could have done what I have. I am not so sure I deserve the title. I smile when I see it because I know it is well intended (and may be because of my relative age as I have told about). But I do not expect it and you can call me what you prefer (it is a lot to call another master unless in the playful sense because of the name Darkdoji - so no problems if you prefer). Cheers tomorrow I will begin to work on something practical and useful to all. I want everyone to a) understand what I done and therefore my contributions to trading and so judge whether it is nonsense or something useful b) I want everyone to see - it is simple, simple, simple c) I want everyone to benefit and win, win, win and d) I want everyone to know it is possible, possible, possible. It is not that I will teach anyone trading. I am not fit and I respect all traders profoundly including newbies because it takes guts to lose and lose and still stay on to try to be better. But I am going to show you all the reasons justified by science in practical examples why you can always win and why that is true for everybody at once. There is NO reason to return a negative week. Even if you have been trading for only a month. I will be most happy to achieve this here to make friends who say man - how stupid, this thing is so simple but the past put fear in me and now I am free. That would be great and it is nothing impossible because I know the facts just that may be I do not know how to communicate those absolute facts very well and language and translator issues. But I will try my best this weekend.

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ImpLaNT, Jackson Doh, ItalianTrader, Manu9710, LittleCaro, johnere, regit

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Tutorial 04: The Strange Attractor

Important to replace Orbit since this may hang less if all goes well and we would be on the same page with certain enhancements to enable us now trade this simple approach.


These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post (total 8):
ImpLaNT, Jackson Doh, Chickenspicy, global, ItalianTrader, LittleCaro, regit, Mundu19

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

With respect to my last post please be clear about a few points:
i) I do not suggest that any past entry form is superseded by the n Flow Cut featured in the post.
ii) The whole basis for entry Orbit is the Inverse On command. Which is based on the notion of Cyclicality or Oscillator Synchrony (e.g. I am personally more comfortable with n - 6n Cyclicality entries).
iii) Important to see the n Flow Cut up or down as additional and there will be those who based on experience will find that it can be safely combined with change in nCyclicality in many cases.
iv) The main point of introducing it at all is to focus minds on a method that works well for when price is in FLE where price is in folding range and there are opportunities for fast trades that are short-term but that do not necessarily trigger n - 6n Cyclicality and also where because of the short range of trades, we require early but dependable responses.
v) Entry is a matter of what the individual trader is comfortable with based on experience and it is to be noted that I have up to the last post before this resisted giving step instructions for trading because and I repeat Orbit is NOT a trading system so knowing enough about how it works and in the context of your personal experience and comfort, a trader decides how and when it is desirable to play the market.

Having said the above my main attention was to bring a focus on and understanding of the meaning and importance (implications), of trading the Strange Attractor or fractal footprint. Please think deeply about that concept and how it was explained in the tutorial and indeed revisit it to gain the sense of it as presented - what was I really trying to convey? A lot in terms of success in the understanding and trading of Orbit profitably depends on this notion of the strange attractor. Please break silence on this singular concept - let us make this a general discussion because what you are looking at there is profoundly powerful and if in fact you understand what it actually is and means speak up -- do not worry whether you are wrong or right. Because if you actually understand the implications of the Strange Attractor then you qualify to declare that you have the most profitable strategy possible. However, I am not prepared to spoon-feed on this and I want us to collectively crack that code (though an open secret if you read and understand), in forum. I hope I make something very important clear. I congratulate in advance the first of us to say to us all what it means to a) have the Strange Attractor as a basic tool and b) what it therefore means to trade by the Strange Attractor and only the Strange Attractor. What do you think it means - why is it so critical and what does it do for your trading?



PS: It is a pattern the path of price for any cycle small or big. We have shown in the last tutorial examples of it in live trading and how it pervades all of market space. So please what can we do with it? What does it mean? What information does it provide the trader dynamically and even in static? This is the most serious thing to discuss about the tutorial - entry is in fact an aside.
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ItalianTrader, Mundu19

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

There is a Whitedoji, a friend of mine who may or may not join us formally depending on whether his application to join FS is approved subsequent to now. Attached are his example trades which will help us think about the Strange Attractor I am so keen we talk about and discuss (most critical). In any case watching the sequences of snaps does tell us a thing or two in addition to what you read and glean from my tutorial notes which I sincerely hope you will all look at to open up the desired chat we need to have over the concept, what it means to trading and trading strategy.
These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post (total 2):
global, Mundu19

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

regit wrote: Sat Apr 01, 2023 1:15 am @DarkDoji
In Trading Orbit the Tool PDF, you stated that a recurrence equation enables calculating exactly the next number based on the current number. Does Orbit the Tool include recurrence calculations? If yes, then is the equation sufficiently detailed/complete such that Orbit actually does calculate the next number and it matches the number that is produced? That is, does the price "prediction" match the next price quote?

If the next number cannot be calculated exactly, does the calculated value fall within some distance from the actual value at some probability range?
@regit can you figure out how your question here was answered looking at the 6n,5n matched example of the Strange Attractor trading shown? Do take a look again. If not clear to you let me know.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:12 am @regit can you figure out how your question here was answered looking at the 6n,5n matched example of the Strange Attractor trading shown? Do take a look again. If not clear to you let me know.
6n,5n matched example of the Strange Attractor trading shown?
Sorry, but I don't know which screen capture you mean by this.
The Crow hates eating crow, but serves himself nearly every day.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

regit wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 3:24 am 6n,5n matched example of the Strange Attractor trading shown?
Sorry, but I don't know which screen capture you mean by this.
The ones starting with incomplete fractures and ending with X = Y to complete. Showing that in a homoeomorphic bijection X must equal Y to complete Up and Y must equal X to complete Down. 4 screenshots in the series. You cannot miss them.


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