Re: Volatility Indicators for MT4

Based on the Bollinger Bands Squeeze you can add a Keltner Band. Trade when volatility is high and Bollinger Band is out of Keltner Band.
I don't use it, but maybe someone else can use that.

Re: Volatility Indicators for MT4

5.  WR7OD Maximum seven-day trade range

"Seven-day wide trade range (WR7OD) appears,
when the current bar has the widest trade range for the last 7 bars. And at the same time the maximum of this bar is higher than a maximum of the previous bar, and the minimum is lower than a minimum of the previous bar.
This model appears at the beginning of a trend or at the time of change of a tendency, and also at an exit from consolidation of the price
It is the best of all to open positions on the WR7OD model in the direction of the main tendency. But also this model meets also on turns.
If you don't expect a tendency turn, then continue to open positions on a trend. At emergence of the WR7OD model establish the
levels for opening of a position on a minimum or a maximum of this bar depending on the main tendency or according to your understanding of a turn of a trend.
We put feet on the opposite side of bar.
We establish target levels for fixing of profit at distance in 50 and 100% of the size WR7OD"
For him the indicator - 7 Candles NRblue ARROWS
The arrow shows on a pattern, but not the direction of an entrance

Re: Volatility Indicators for MT4

Fresh_Prince wrote:MLADEN, could you please tell, is there any volatility predicting indicators? Maybe some extrapolation?
Extrapolation is no problem
But extrapolating : what? And what would we get with such extrapolated data?

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