v2v dynamic trading system ► Got Updated!
The v2v dynamic trading system is constantly evolving and regularly updated. It emphasizes self-discovery and hands-on learning, encouraging users to explore its features without the limitations of a traditional user manual. Users are urged to take responsibility for their learning process, conduct thorough research, and maintain an adaptable mindset to navigate the dynamic landscape of modern trading.
Updated features... Button parameter behaviors :
→ News Events
→ dynamic MyNET/COLOR]
• Essential Steps for New Users: Carefully follow the outlined steps provided → HERE
• Utilizing the (new) v2v Templates (with stripped template - v2v_simple | v2v_simple_vpr): Users must use it for optimal performance.
• To learn more about the system, users are encouraged to visit → HERE
Operational setup:
For a smoother experience when adjusting your chart settings, I recommend temporarily turning off the dynamic MyNET or disabling the Hidden Gap Finder feature. You can also try reducing the start bar parameter value.
Re: v2v dynamic system
1481Since Frank Sinatra sings in his own way, my charts sing... ♪ I did it, My... Way... ♬ ; )─