Re: v2v dynamic system

An exchange rate's relative performance over the past year can be seen in the chart below. The yellow background indicates the chart's square dimension. Over the last 365 days, orange dots represent today's position relative to the FX index's high (top) and low (bottom). In other words, if the orange dot is close to the top, the currency is close to its highest valuation. The orange dot near the bottom indicates the currency's lowest valuation. The blue bars indicate the distribution of valuations over the course of one year. The span between high and low valuation is divided into ten ranges (ie, deciles). Then the number of days during which the currency's valuation has been in each of these deciles is counted. The number of days is proportional to the width of each of the ten blue bars. Thus the position of the orange dot relative to the width of the blue bars indicates if the current valuation is a relatively common event or a relatively rare event. For example, if the bulk of valuations has been in the lower deciles, and the orange dot is near the top where the bars are narrow, the currency has recently moved up sharply. These charts ("FX conifers") are a simple method of visually summarizing the performance of a currency over the time period of one year. One useful feature of this chart is that it automatically adjusts for the different volatility of currencies, as the span between a one-year high and one-year low is a reflection of a currency's volatility.

► These are not fundamental determinants. Readers are advised to exercise considerable caution when reading them.
IMHO... Reading this table :: GBP medium term Bearish... while JPY medium term is Bullish
Since Frank Sinatra sings in his own way, my charts sing... ♪  I did it, My... Way...  ♬ ; )─

Re: v2v dynamic system

josi wrote: Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:38 pm I may be totally wrong but I think it won't go down straight away: retest of highs...
You are not wrong... ; )--- It may be going down then up... and down... then up again ; )---

GBP/JPY :: new position...
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Since Frank Sinatra sings in his own way, my charts sing... ♪  I did it, My... Way...  ♬ ; )─

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