CodeADX DMI Indicators for MT4

ADX DMI Indicators for Metatrader 4

Example: ADX DMI shown on a ProRealTime Chart

Important note: MT4 ADX is not the real ADX

The pre-installed MetaTrader 4's ADX indicator is not the same as the real ADX indicator, which is called "Wilder's DMI". Legendary charting pioneer and trader Dawn Bolton-Smith on Welles Wilder's DMI stated "if used correctly, you'll never be wiped out":

A few words of explanation in regards to us creating new indicators on the forum....

First the "basic" term :

From now on, if some thing new is going to be made, i will always do the following:

  • first the "basic" version will be posted (a version with just bare calculation,and bare options, nothing of the usual additions like alerts, multi time framing, dynamic levels, filters.... any usual addition that we are used to)
  • after that the "extended" version(s) will be made
    This is going to be done in order to make it clear what is exactly the indicator it self and what are the extensions and to make it easier to use the version depending on the task they have to perform

As of ADXm - according to its original inventor (ANG3110),this is its description

"Unlike the traditional ADX Indicator,where the ADX itself is plotted in absolute units and detection of the trend direction is hindered,this indicator clearly display the positive and negative ADX half-waves (displayed as colored on the chart) And the D1+/- signals are displayed as their difference (grey)

The method of using this indicator is the same as the traditional one.

In additions,it display the levels (dashed),above which the market is considered to be in a trend state.

This level is usually set to approximately 20-25 percents - somewhat depends on the time frame it is used on"

This version deviates a bit since it allows 3 prices to be used (price for close,high and low where the original does not have prices options at all since it uses fixed close,high and low for calculation),but all the rest (including the results,if default parameters are used) is same.

The code it self is not (which is normal,since this is a completely new way it was coded) but in this version it is made to be re-usable code and it can easily be used in any other code,and,unlike the original mt4 version that could repaint the color on occasions, this version can not REPAINT (at all)

ADXm (not a standard ADX, but a close relative of it), floating levels version (floating levels and quantile bands included), posted below
These users thanked the author mladen for the post (total 3):
太虚一毫, ERP The Trader, jonnyfx4711

Re: ADX DMI Indicators for MT4

From Mladen

Here is the oscillator version
PS: still left the 4 types of smoothing method. To remind : original ADX (DMI) is calculated using SMMA (which is sometimes called "running MA" and is equal in values to what is called "Wilders EMA" which is used in original DMI), but I left the option to experiment with the other types of averages too

Also this version DMI oscillator 1.1: This version has an option to smooth the results of the oscillator and it has 3 choices of color chage : on levels crosson zero cross and on slope changealerts are triggered according to color change choice

These users thanked the author mrtools for the post (total 4):
太虚一毫, ChuChu Rocket, taipan, Jedidiah

Re: ADX DMI Indicators for MT4

I think dmi osci can take care of every single candle behavior,no matter what TF,you can see and check easily in the illustration picture how it glued with price,for scalping,swing trading,short term trading,binary and so on,so sensitive osci ..... i hope our kind coders will invent some new baby with additional features like method extensions (especially & at least "Tema") for to form it more accurate and visually beautiful (i guess filters will be help in this regards) ..... may be dmi osci of nma from ocean will be suitable too
Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

Re: ADX DMI Indicators for MT4

donut4popo wrote:
mr tools, I think this should be named Wilder's DMI 3.6 or does this replace ver 3.0?  
Hi donut
"wilders dmi 3" (simple) and "wilder super smooth dmi" are different versions
Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

Re: ADX DMI Indicators for MT4

mntiwana wrote: Hi donut
"wilders dmi 3" (simple) and "wilder super smooth dmi" are different versions
ok, what I'm trying to say is that I have "Wilder's DMI 3" downloaded back in 2015.  Then I have "Wilder's DMI 3.1 through Wilder's DMI 3.5."  The last version "Wilder's DMI 3.5" came out about in April 2016.  mr tools posted "Wilder's DMI 3" which when I tested over-wrote the older version.   By the way mr tools, I really like the newest version, thanks.

Re: ADX DMI Indicators for MT4

donut4popo wrote:
ok, what I'm trying to say is that I have "Wilder's DMI 3" downloaded back in 2015.  Then I have "Wilder's DMI 3.1 through Wilder's DMI 3.5."  The last version "Wilder's DMI 3.5" came out about in April 2016.  mr tools posted "Wilder's DMI 3" which when I tested over-wrote the older version.   By the way mr tools, I really like the newest version, thanks.
With the renaming issue and with the stop of search on TSD it made latest versions rather funny numbered. It will take some time to sort the things out, but that will come with time. We all just need some patience

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