sal wrote: Wed May 30, 2018 12:28 am
Dears Moderator/admin
May i suggest to controll the downloading of indicators !!!
Members those who has only registered in site that allow to download indicators .
Thanks for the suggestion Sal! When we first started Forex Station this thought did cross our minds and Mladen decided to keep it open and free, just the way it was like on Forex-TSD. Which is the best choice we believe as we're not forcing people to join us just to download (as mentioned by Krelian)
With that saying, even though we are seeing more guests and members please help us by spreading the word about Forex Station! Hopefully we will see more members joining to contribute and this will inspire our great coders and staff to continue providing content and serving you all.
Thanks again Krelian, Sal and Moey for your posts