Re: MT5 Moving Averages (MAs)

Cagliostro wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:58 pm image_2024-12-18_103036313.png

XU 3MA Trend


PS: Alerts and Arrows not working in MTF (used for higher TF bias). If someone wants to add more MA let me know, and will share the code.

i find it slower than xard's 3x xuma it's like 3 MA cross lines Cagliotro!
VzuLaks: People never plan for failure. They simply fail in planning for success!

Re: MT5 Moving Averages (MAs)

vzulaks wrote: Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:29 pm i find it slower than xard's 3x xuma it's like 3 MA cross lines Cagliotro!
Yes, it does not react to simple price crossing, looks for MAs to get ordered. I am experimenting a bit, I am making some MT5 stuff.
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"I conjure from shadows and shape fortunes from the unseen. The treasure lies hidden in plain sight, beneath the sunlight." - Cagliostro

Re: MT5 Moving Averages (MAs)

this MA is great !
the logic of it is quite powerful

3rd Generation Moving Average is an advanced version of the standard moving average (MA) indicator for MetaTrader. It implements a rather simple lag-reducing procedure based on the longer MA period. The method was first described by M. Duerschner in his article Gleitende Durchschnitte 3.0 (in German). The presented version uses λ = 2, which provides the best possible lag-reducing. Higher λ increases similarity with the classic moving average. The indicator is available for both MT4 and MT5. It does not require using any DLL.

Input parameters
MA_Period (default = 50) — a period of the 3rd generation moving average.
MA_Sampling_Period (default = 220) — a sampling period of the 3rd generation moving average. Should be at least 4 times greater than MA_Period.
MA_Method (default = MODE_EMA) — method of the moving average.
MA_Applied_Price (default = PRICE_TYPICAL) — applied price for the moving average.
As you see, the 3rd Generation MA (red line) offers slightly less lag than the conventional EMA (blue line) and reacts to the price changes faster.
Scalping the Century TimeFrame since 1999

Re: MT5 Moving Averages (MAs)

pfxi wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 1:24 am Hi mrtools and @kvak. If you find some free time, Please convert this MT4 indicator to MT5, Look for it somewhere in your archives. You can also add a button. Thank you

I know it's locked
After a long time, I launched MT5 and I probably won't open it again for a long time :) :)

Here is one version for test .... ( for mtf need tick to working )

This is all what I am able to do with MT5....
These users thanked the author kvak for the post (total 6):
Cagliostro, xard777, RodrigoRT7, thomdel, pfxi, AlgoAlex811

Re: MT5 Moving Averages (MAs)

kvak wrote: Sun Feb 02, 2025 6:44 am After a long time, I launched MT5 and I probably won't open it again for a long time :) :)

Here is one version for test .... ( for mtf need tick to working )

This is all what I am able to do with MT5....
Thanks for the job well done, respect. Only if you can make the third one participate in the calculation. Now they are only the first and the second.
And so does a good job.

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