Re: WPR Indicators for MT4

kvak wrote: Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:43 am WPR smoothed dots with mtf, alerts, arrows and button.
Hi Kvak!! me once again.

Taking into account that this indicator is the basis of Haos, could you update its averages?

Edit: In addition, an insight came to me. Is there a possibility for you to have a version of Haos with your WPR? Of course, the intention is not to compete with the excellent Mr Tools version. I say it in the sense that everyone has their own kit of Avgs with their own strengths.

and wpr's extreme signals have great value :D

my inspiration is the book How I made one million dollars trading commodities by the legendary Larry Williams. If you don't have this book here on the forum, I can share it.

Finally, I don't know if the Haos code is open, I found this one on Tradingview :D

Code: Select all

// Haos Vieual script may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
study("Haos Visual @PuppyTherapy")

lenShort     = input(14, minval=1, title="Willy Short Length")
t3LenShort   = input(8, minval=1, title="T3 Short Length")
t3ConstShort = input(0.7, minval=0, title="T3 Short Constant")

lenLong      = input(96, minval=1, title="Willy Long Length")
t3LenLong    = input(8, minval=1, title="T3 Long Length")
t3ConstLong  = input(0.7, minval=0, title="T3 Long Constant")

// Calculate Willy Function
willy( len )=>
    upper = highest(len)
    lower = lowest(len)
    willy = 100 * (close - upper) / (upper - lower) + 50
t3(src, len, const)=>
    xe1_1 = ema(src,    len)
    xe2_1 = ema(xe1_1,  len)
    xe3_1 = ema(xe2_1,  len)
    xe4_1 = ema(xe3_1,  len)
    xe5_1 = ema(xe4_1,  len)
    xe6_1 = ema(xe5_1,  len)
    b_1  =  const
    c1_1 = -b_1*b_1*b_1
    c2_1 = 3*b_1*b_1+3*b_1*b_1*b_1
    c3_1 = -6*b_1*b_1-3*b_1-3*b_1*b_1*b_1
    c4_1 = 1+3*b_1+b_1*b_1*b_1+3*b_1*b_1
    T3 = c1_1 * xe6_1 + c2_1 * xe5_1 + c3_1 * xe4_1 + c4_1 * xe3_1    

shortT3Willy = t3( willy(lenShort) , t3LenShort, t3ConstShort ) 
longT3Willy  = t3( willy(lenLong)  , t3LenLong,  t3ConstLong ) 

hline(35, title="Haos Short Zone",, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)
hline(-35, title="Haos Long Zone" ,, linestyle=hline.style_dotted, linewidth=1)

shortT3WillyColor = shortT3Willy > shortT3Willy[1] ? color.lime :
plot(shortT3Willy, color=shortT3WillyColor, style=plot.style_line,     linewidth=3, title="Willy Short - Line")
plotshape(shortT3WillyColor==color.lime and shortT3WillyColor[1]  ? shortT3Willy : na, location=location.absolute,, color=color.lime, size=size.tiny, transp=20)
plotshape(  and shortT3WillyColor[1]==color.lime ? shortT3Willy : na, location=location.absolute,,, size=size.tiny, transp=20)

longT3WillyColor = longT3Willy > 0 ? longT3Willy > longT3Willy[1] ? color.lime : #228B22 : longT3Willy > longT3Willy[1] ? : #8B0000
plot(longT3Willy, color=color.white,      style=plot.style_line,      linewidth=1, title="Willy Long - Line", transp = 50)
plot(longT3Willy, color=longT3WillyColor, style=plot.style_histogram, linewidth=2, title="Willy Long -Histogram", transp = 75)
Thank you very much in advance!!
These users thanked the author RodrigoRT7 for the post (total 2):
kvak, Akela

Re: WPR Indicators for MT4

RodrigoRT7 wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 9:29 am Hi Kvak!! me once again.

Taking into account that this indicator is the basis of Haos, could you update its averages?

Edit: In addition, an insight came to me. Is there a possibility for you to have a version of Haos with your WPR? Of course, the intention is not to compete with the excellent Mr Tools version. I say it in the sense that everyone has their own kit of Avgs with their own strengths.

and wpr's extreme signals have great value :D

my inspiration is the book How I made one million dollars trading commodities by the legendary Larry Williams. If you don't have this book here on the forum, I can share it.

Finally, I don't know if the Haos code is open, I found this one on Tradingview :D

Here is updated WPR.
In this indicator I made WPR as a function and you are able to choose price type....
For HAOS, yes I think, I am able to do version if you want....
These users thanked the author kvak for the post (total 5):
RodrigoRT7, boytoy, JCCTREND, Akela, Jimmy

Re: WPR Indicators for MT4

RodrigoRT7 wrote: Thu May 30, 2024 9:29 am Is there a possibility for you to have a version of Haos with your WPR?
Haos Visual (WPR) indicator with latest MA Filters


Here is simply Haos indicator... test it....
These users thanked the author kvak for the post (total 12):
JCCTREND, Akela, RodrigoRT7, Jimmy, ChuChu Rocket, moey_dw, josi, 太虚一毫, macd & rsi, alexm, mystylez007, Cagliostro

Re: WPR Indicators for MT4

kvak wrote: Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:25 am Haos Visual (WPR) indicator with latest MA Filters


Here is simply Haos indicator... test it....
Kvak man...... congratulations on coding the Haos visual this is a really nice modern code 🙏🙏🙏
These users thanked the author moey_dw for the post (total 3):
kvak, Mickey Abi, macd & rsi
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