Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

josi wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:28 pm So here we are:
a lack of executive functions,
problems in the area of anger management,
the inability to avoid endless repetitions & ramblings.

You may need professional help.
I hope you will get better soon.
I hope so too but of course ignorance of the type you bring does not help. But thanks for letting me know you are alive and well. Goodbye though.


Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:58 pm
I am in no way wanted to upset you. You don’t need to perceive and relate to everything so sensitively. Also, you don’t need to repeat over and over again that Orbit is not a trading system, that there are no clear rules, etc... I already know all this from you and have heard it many times. And I also saw how it works. You have the false impression about me that I can't move away from my “technical” postulates, etc. Actually this is not true. I understand perfectly well that Orbit is completely different from what everyone is used to. I understand perfectly well that you are absolutely right that all technical means of analysis are nothing more than sometimes working patterns, usually obtained empirically and there is no mathematical basis behind them. This is all absolutely clear to me.
Regarding the morning trade, I did not enter it, although I saw this moment. This entry seemed dubious to me since the pullback, it seemed to me, did not work completely. There was no transfer of even n-5n to the upper KSO zone, not to mention 6n. That's why I didn't go in. I'm watching....

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 7:37 pm I have a proposal that, in my opinion, should suit everyone, including you, but I will make it today, but a little later.

So, the essence of my proposal...
As long as you are not a trader and are doing so solely due to certain circumstances, I suggest the following...
I invite all traders who use Orbit in their work to help the Professor in promoting and other people in understanding the essence of how the tool works and how use it correctly. To do this, I propose to create a separate thread in the "Trading Journals" section where all interested experienced Orbit users can publish their trades. The main condition is online publication. That is, within a few minutes after opening a position. The second condition is to work on a real (not demo) account. The lot size does not matter. Thus, we leave this thread for theoretical discussions; in the new thread we publish only trades. I already did something similar once, but it didn’t work. I hope that this time everything will be different, because you Samm will look there from time to time and somehow comment on something at your own discretion. How do you like this proposal, Doc?
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:26 pm Regarding @Italian's work... I don't want to offend him in any way, but it doesn't impress me. Sorry again... I'll explain why... Firstly, I was never interested in memorized and meaningless repetition of something after the teacher. What he does is simply look for an equivalent semaphore in the direction of the first level command. This is the so-called "second dot" technology and it was not invented here and was discussed several years earlier in one very well-known thread on the FS. I don't need Orbit for this. For such an implementation, a semaphore (or zigzag) indicator will be enough for me, and I can replace the first level command using a standard Fibonacci extension and will end up in the same trades as he does. I am not interested in jumping through different instruments in search of where today the second semaphore dot will coincide with the direction of 6n TT and 6n Cy. Instead, I prefer to work with any one instrument. I prefer to read space and understand exactly where I am now and how this space can be changed in the future.
Exiting from position when a new crown similar to the previous one is formed... This means losing the entire stretching phase. This is exactly the mistake I made in my previous trade, and you absolutely rightly pointed this out to me. @Italian does this all the time. Loss of all space stretching, namely on them we need to make the main earnings, and not on the number of small trades. In other words, this is not my approach. And I sincerely believe that the capabilities of the Orbit extend many times beyond what @Italian shows us. Therefore, the reasons for your admiration for his work are somewhat unclear to me.

I am not trading in this mood so let me remark that @Italian is correct and let us not put him down when in fact he is great. I say so because I know more of what we are talking about. Do not discourage others with aspirations such as @Italian he and only he has proved that Orbit is so simple anyone even a noob can trade it to its excellence. Do not forget that the point of Orbit is not your personal trading experience as a trader or any assumed abilities in trading. The point of Orbit is a tool that leads you to exceptional performance regardless of prior trading background. It is the tool combining with your mind that defines your trading. @Italian has proved that milestone and he is in my eyes a feat because until him it was just a theory and because of him we all know what is possible What has led to this discussion in part is that you and others are unable to do that and the issue for us right now is to find a solution. That is how @Italian came up please do not forget that in your mind.

Second, you must admit that he is justified in his approach and I say to you that he understands chaos and the core of the precepts it commends and that is what drives him. I told him to take it easy and to just keep to point to point trading for a while and he told me off ----------------> quoting precept and telling me that if it is true then I have no basis to tell him to slow down. Why should I be saying two things at the same time he wanted to know. I told him caution and experience and he told me but it is math there should be no sentiments. He is a hot head and person sure of himself ----> totally trusting of the principle and therefore well beyond anyone without such a resume as I just outlined. He takes no prisoners I think we should all learn from him.

@Italian jumps around symbols ----------------> before now, old timers like us thought it funny and associated such with scalper mentality. But he is showing us that with Orbit it works. He is bold in showing the world a way to make money with Orbit, why? Because Orbit is so pure and accurate it is accurate across all symbols and therefore no adjustments or special knowledge/experience of the symbol is needed ------> just Orbit commands. Have you ever in your experience seen a tool ("System") that needs no adjustment on any symbol and on which the trader needs no knowledge of the symbol but that is capable of extreme or exceptional performance across all markets even so? He has the guts to show you and me that we are outdated nobodies and he does not care about our ignorance of the new abilities he has using Orbit. We need to bow a bit or a tip hat to the kid not question his audacity ---> he is teaching us that this style may be useful to him and others and showing a new way of super scalping that is surer and far more profitable than the old. Sure that is not your style or mine but who knows to say it will not be a valid style in future given Orbit the Tool.

What he memorized has proved more useful than what you call useless so he also shows your attitude may be wrong and unhelpful as he understands what he is doing and doing well but you are still not sure what to do regardless of the difference in style (the application is still the same). He is naturally leading you and usefully too from the above but particularly (I believe) from knowing precept or the logic on which Orbit is based and following it and this is where confidence in Orbit comes from. I do not know what this is "second dot" technology is but I dispute your claim that you can solve for the diagonal by it or something else you said involving Fibonacci and something but whatever it is you are talking about I dispute it. Tell me here how to do it so that we see also whether or not to adopt it as a backup or additional tool in our chaos tool kit even to completely switch to this tool you say from Orbit. Demonstrate your meaning. It is important I dispute it because I am not sure of what you are saying. That you already have the Orbit logic expressed in a "System" that you know and have been using or used before? You must show us so that we understand how the "system" can replicate Orbits commands exactly and to same effect and results. I do not like wasting peoples time and I feel it is information we need in order to decide whether or not I am wasting my time and that of others including you (Or is it that I completely misunderstand your meaning? Please if so explain so I understand). But in general without the theory I do not see how others can become as good or better than @Italian, the theory is critical and it is neither useless nor meaningless repetition given repetition breeds retention and audience is not static new people are coming around all of the time (and of course not enough of the old demonstrate that the know what I am talking about - it is a quality control issue that and the result of the lack of data on who is around and what they get and do not get).

So these are my thoughts and I think this kind of talk we are having is healthy on both sides so we can understand better how to adjust in future.


PS: Yes I like to talk about 100/100 show me why I should not.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:04 pm So, the essence of my proposal...
As long as you are not a trader and are doing so solely due to certain circumstances, I suggest the following...
I invite all traders who use Orbit in their work to help the Professor in promoting and other people in understanding the essence of how the tool works and how use it correctly. To do this, I propose to create a separate thread in the "Trading Journals" section where all interested experienced Orbit users can publish their trades. The main condition is online publication. That is, within a few minutes after opening a position. The second condition is to work on a real (not demo) account. The lot size does not matter. Thus, we leave this thread for theoretical discussions; in the new thread we publish only trades. I already did something similar once, but it didn’t work. I hope that this time everything will be different, because you Samm will look there from time to time and somehow comment on something at your own discretion. How do you like this proposal, Doc?
Really it is up to you and if you can make it work. I see nothing wrong with the idea so I wish all well.


What I do not understand is why that has to be in a separate thread. It is a waste of resources as attending two different sites would of course reduce one. On second thoughts I would suggest that we do it here so I can more directly contribute and so that what you call "theory" can match and review what you call "practical" demonstration. I give you one instance ----> yesterday I told what you should when you jump out of a Lamina flow. That is because I had the presence of mind to do so. Not sure that kind of interaction will be possible on a separate thread because if I am here and you are there then there is a certain detachment and culture split that will be less than synergistic in my opinion. So let us not destroy the thread (implode it) because there are more benefits to the trading when the context is the theory. Your deep attachment to "technical" trading will certainly not help as we introduce updates with increasing ability to manage trades because Crown to Crown can and does get complex to manage when the duration starts reach 1 - 3, 4 months plus other brain flashes that I have depends on direct interaction and yes I do not enjoy trading as an occupation true but I was an exceptional trader thanked from far and wide for helping pay peoples college tuitions. This is in fact on public knowledge so there is nothing trading anyone can touch me with. But I am now a chaotist more and interested in getting to cloud.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:04 pm So, the essence of my proposal...
As long as you are not a trader and are doing so solely due to certain circumstances, I suggest the following...
I invite all traders who use Orbit in their work to help the Professor in promoting and other people in understanding the essence of how the tool works and how use it correctly. To do this, I propose to create a separate thread in the "Trading Journals" section where all interested experienced Orbit users can publish their trades. The main condition is online publication. That is, within a few minutes after opening a position. The second condition is to work on a real (not demo) account. The lot size does not matter. Thus, we leave this thread for theoretical discussions; in the new thread we publish only trades. I already did something similar once, but it didn’t work. I hope that this time everything will be different, because you Samm will look there from time to time and somehow comment on something at your own discretion. How do you like this proposal, Doc?
In addition I think it will only work if you were an expert Orbit trader and so far you have no track firm enough to inspire. Further, you are thinking in terms of a big boys club excluding those who might wish to trade but (advisedly) wish to begin with demo accounts (which is the majority anywhere) and still share in the experience of top guns like you. So I do not see that you can constructively build an expanding base without the right mix of participants. I do not understand why cash accounts must be some standard people have to meet? Just because you trade cash means very little what is more important is how you see trades and the ideas you share for other people to benefit. Plus how do you verify? I think that condition does not help the propagation of Orbit as a trading tool at all --------> I mean how many traders know Orbit as a Tool not to mention how many actually trade it before you get to how many trade cash only. I think you will kill the spirit. Become a reputed Orbit trader first and show your capacity to attract others following you. Your inclination toward "technical" trading and the fact of near zero understanding of what you call "theory" is also a worry, thinking about it. The danger is not to mix pin bars with bijective functions. So frankly if you really want to help the professor promote anything at all, I think you should try to run it from here ----------> I will not interfere if it is obvious to me we are helping promote Orbit rather than your "technical" understanding of it. At this stage the idea is still too young and weak to withstand the big boys club mode and might do more harm than good outside the mother thread. I know you have no head at all for concepts. You desire only steps in "technical" analysis. Concepts are however not defined as "theory". But again @Italian Trader only became a whiz at this thing because of his knowledge of the precepts so you are more likely to adulterate that link which is not something I approve of at all and for good reason. So may be put a hold on it and show us here progress on your trading by Orbit cash for a while so people get to accept your leadership as an Orbit guru first then may be and if we still feel a need we go there. I am only now thinking about it and realize that what seems good to you might destroy the work of years. So let me rephrase it ---------> good idea if done within the mother thread and demo traders are allowed. Very bad idea if we start a big boys club ----------> certainly NOT now. Who knows Orbit at all? Not sure more than 3 or 4 people actually trade it at all of which may be 3 trade cash.

Those are my final thoughts,


Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 10:04 pm So, the essence of my proposal...
As long as you are not a trader and are doing so solely due to certain circumstances, I suggest the following...
I invite all traders who use Orbit in their work to help the Professor in promoting and other people in understanding the essence of how the tool works and how use it correctly. To do this, I propose to create a separate thread in the "Trading Journals" section where all interested experienced Orbit users can publish their trades. The main condition is online publication. That is, within a few minutes after opening a position. The second condition is to work on a real (not demo) account. The lot size does not matter. Thus, we leave this thread for theoretical discussions; in the new thread we publish only trades. I already did something similar once, but it didn’t work. I hope that this time everything will be different, because you Samm will look there from time to time and somehow comment on something at your own discretion. How do you like this proposal, Doc?
I am as you know totally against so-called "technical" analysis and feel very honestly it should be somehow highlighted for its inadequacies. Also young people are more likely to change their habits this is why I fear your "technical" bias but really sorry if I annoy you just a loop in my head because man, when you think about it, it makes no sense at all. Candles are imbued with all kinds of meaning when if you use bubbles with the same data it still works? But Ok I take it that in fact we are on the same page on that. I dread the way they infect people with falsehoods e.g. new drives price, etc. It causes people to jumpy about trading and this is why only brokers are doing well in this whole business. Everyone takes from the retail trader and no one gives nothing back. But I get your point thanks. See my final comments and not sure it is a good idea at this point after thinking about it a bit. Help us make this place really strong doing what you want from here then we can survive branches else we simply would implode. That is what I think. People do care so much about Orbit just now and too few still see it as just talk. So help us turn it into action from here then we move.


Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:44 pm I am in no way wanted to upset you. You don’t need to perceive and relate to everything so sensitively. Also, you don’t need to repeat over and over again that Orbit is not a trading system, that there are no clear rules, etc... I already know all this from you and have heard it many times. And I also saw how it works. You have the false impression about me that I can't move away from my “technical” postulates, etc. Actually this is not true. I understand perfectly well that Orbit is completely different from what everyone is used to. I understand perfectly well that you are absolutely right that all technical means of analysis are nothing more than sometimes working patterns, usually obtained empirically and there is no mathematical basis behind them. This is all absolutely clear to me.
Regarding the morning trade, I did not enter it, although I saw this moment. This entry seemed dubious to me since the pullback, it seemed to me, did not work completely. There was no transfer of even n-5n to the upper KSO zone, not to mention 6n. That's why I didn't go in. I'm watching....
I know you did not intend to upset was just a bad day --------------> you know it is also the lack of light and fact of a politically (and economically) mismanaged past that drives me insane because our children have to suffer backwardness on the greed of a few. If it is tough for me imagine how it must be for millions of others. I am still too upset to think about trading but your analysis could be right (you know the one about a sustained down flow). Lets see how the immediate pullback plays. If by tomorrow it reaches amplitude at less than or about 1919 and we break below 1895 then I think we will sustain a deep fall. I am thinking and watching for an entry around that top. But lets see how it plays.


Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Hi Samm, haven't posted for a while so just to let you know you are doing a great job explaining how to use Orbit. I too will turn 65 in a couple of months, have never had to use complex mathematics in my entire life, but have read everything posted and the last week or so your explanation of point to point trades are making a lot of sense. Hopefully I can get into longer trades or at least in the same diagonal direction when Orbit signals. Speaking of point to point, you will be aware of the semefor miss match between Daily and Weekly, unless it is a broker thing, would this mean a possible 'saddle' is happening on the Daily to move back up to get the Aqua head. If that is the case Orbit will lead the way and can only follow along.
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Dave111 wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2023 4:29 am Hi Samm, haven't posted for a while so just to let you know you are doing a great job explaining how to use Orbit. I too will turn 65 in a couple of months, have never had to use complex mathematics in my entire life, but have read everything posted and the last week or so your explanation of point to point trades are making a lot of sense. Hopefully I can get into longer trades or at least in the same diagonal direction when Orbit signals. Speaking of point to point, you will be aware of the semefor miss match between Daily and Weekly, unless it is a broker thing, would this mean a possible 'saddle' is happening on the Daily to move back up to get the Aqua head. If that is the case Orbit will lead the way and can only follow along.
Hi Davie you must be talking Gold and I am not sure it is a broker thing if you compress the chart (weekly) a bit with both the channel tool and Semaphores on it looks from history like a persisting cascade south which (by one interesting analysis made by @ImpLaNT), suggests a sustained downfall. You know Semaphores are flags when in the positions we see for the weekly and daily and are self-corrective as they get promoted to higher ranks the deeper (as in more) the depth of the move. So lets see if we break volatility deviation boundary around 1895 because if that happens we should go down in a sustained manner for some more even may be take out the current low and beyond. Observe that the space up in Gold is closed for 7n or D1 (reading Term Trades), and so we are headed toward the lower limits of its free space circa 1870 which also encourages the thinking from @ImpLaNT. So I am with you trying to find entry for a sustained move and we might get lucky around 1919 by tomorrow. Thank you for your thoughts on the thread and grateful because I cannot now say it is a thankless job with your kind views. Cheers man


PS: This highly advanced math is for the everybody crowd and that is what Mandelbrot says because frankly it is strictly visual so there is no knowing it beyond what your eyes can see. I am also with you there if it does not make sense to my eyes then it is not important.

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