Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 12:09 am About Inverse On command... . I don't like mindless trading, I need reasons to enter, and in this approach, they are clearly not enough for me.
@ImpLaNT I believe that unfortunately because you must depend on a translator it is difficult for you to understand my meanings easily. It is also clear, that while you are an exceptional trader who has observed the accuracy of the tool and have come to like and depend on it for that reason you still do not understand why and how it works. What I am trying to communicate to you and everyone is that the reason why it works, and the reason why it is different from anything around is strictly mathematical. It does NOT depend on ANY indicator.

The indicators applied in Orbit are to express the mathematical analogy that underpins the tool. But It is the mathematical analogy that drives the tool NOT any indicator. So the tool is in effect a mathematical function with Inverse On as expressed in the link below. So if it is possible to apply your translator it will serve you (and others), well to read the basis for the tool here (why it works and the ONLY reason for trading by it). This is what you are trading NOT any indicator please read and ask areas not clear to you: ... ctive.html

So for you and anyone interested to know why the tool works and how it works, you must read and understand the above. The mathematics is also therefore the justification to use the Inverse ON command. Until you understand this you would be using the tool sub-optimally (partially), and therefore gaining less than full benefits from the application. I would be very happy for you to read and understand the link and I can explain some more details to help you and others use it more effectively. It does not require 10 years to put together "technical" indicators to trade. So something else was going on in the 10 years it took to build Orbit. It also does not take 10 years to define a "trading system" that can take a few days with testing then taking more time to prove it. But it takes much more time than that to define a dynamical model of the market that works exactly. Orbit is an Oscillator Model of the market and in the next Tutorial I will try to bring this fact home as much as possible. But I do not wish to make this a math focused forum because the math is only supposed to work in the background. But the link will help you see beyond what you are looking at now.

So you are wrong here "I don't like mindless trading, I need reasons to enter, and in this approach, they are clearly not enough for me." The above link explains to technical detail why you are wrong because it gives you the full reasons for trading by the Inverse On command. The only problem is I do not know if you can access the explanations with a google translator. But if you can, it will assuage your concerns and show you that you are trading a very special tool, which does not depend on any indicator but depends ONLY on the logic explained in the link. Anyone at all will be making a mistake therefore to leave the math logic and depend on an indicator. Orbit is an analogy and application of a mathematical concept and that is the only reason you should trade it. It is a chaotic engine that follows a bijective routine that you are trading NOT any indicator. The indicators merely help you interact with the analogy and the indicators by themselves are completely useless without the analogy which is the mathematical concept explained in the link. Kindly read it to conclude. Cheers,

The Crow (-_-)

PS: It is a great pity that communication has become an issue in understanding the tool for you and I am sure many others who might also depend on translations that are not always as clear as one might want but it is a greater pity still that I cannot do anything about that directly. But do not dismiss things you have not understood it is not the thing it is the understanding of the thing that enlightens that is why it is so critical that you and everyone try to read the link (just make the effort and does not require mastery and the math is very simple).
These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post (total 3):
ImpLaNT, Chickenspicy, Mundu19

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Meyney wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:17 am Playing-watching a bit with Orbit thanks Darkdoji for your work.
As I can see for now this seemed to be a nice Inverse On setup EURAUD especially when the KSO n-5n was awakening to the upside.
Yes indeed @Meyney and utterly simple is it not? Now look at the same pattern in history from the screenshot to fully appreciate the "magic" and power underpinning the Inverse On command. Another sense for understanding this sense of how Orbit works, is my explanation of what an affine fractal is in the context of trading (scan my last five or so posts to read that in one of them). And as I was just telling @ImpLaNT none of that accuracy, certainty and reliability has to do with ANY indicator at all but with the mathematics. I assume you speak, read, and write English better than me and I would be grateful if you visited here: ... ctive.html. to gain a sense of why Inverse On is the most important underpinning concept in all of trading. If you could share some of that in a way that I might not be communicating well it might be very helpful to many. I know you may not be into math but it is so simply explained in the link I do not believe it is intellectually inaccessible to any trader. So do look at it and thanks for your post. Do keep on keeping on. Cheers,

The Crow (-_-)

PS: When you read the link do focus on the simple fact that it explains a pattern and a pattern with continuous INVERSE ON, it is this same pattern that arranges the Chaos Semaphore amplitude seeking indicator exactly to allow us tell you the exact points of entry to trade and manage by behaviour, i.e. whether in folding or stretching behaviour and therefore how the path of price derives and depends on the concept. Indicators are used in Orbit as a way of communicating the analogy of the underlying mathematics. But it is the mathematics that guarantee the model works and the ONLY reason to trade Orbit the Tool.
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Meyney wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 2:17 am Playing-watching a bit with Orbit thanks Darkdoji for your work.
As I can see for now this seemed to be a nice Inverse On setup EURAUD especially when the KSO n-5n was awakening to the upside.
Also another great point you made is to do with the KSO - I never really find the confidence to trade just the command in spite of my deep knowledge of it until I see the KSO array aligned as you have in the screenshot. Might be psychological (am an old school trader), but not just that, I also know the calculations that go into the KSO array and frankly one can trade with just that alone (though best in combination with Cyclicality phase coherence and Term Trades coherence). But everyone should and MUST try to understand Inverse On - to be sure that we trade a natural law NOT dependent on ANY indicator but more dependent on a notion akin to the laws of physics and it can NEVER fail as you will find in the link (though needs to be understood well to be managed in the changing contexts of trading). Please look at that link very critical.

The Crow (-_-)
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 3:09 am Also another great point you made is to do with the KSO - I never really find the confidence to trade just the command in spite of my deep knowledge of it until I see the KSO array aligned as you have in the screenshot. Might be psychological (am an old school trader), but not just that, I also know the calculations that go into the KSO array and frankly one can trade with just that alone (though best in combination with Cyclicality phase coherence and Term Trades coherence). But everyone should and MUST try to understand Inverse On - to be sure that we trade a natural law NOT dependent on ANY indicator but more dependent on a notion akin to the laws of physics and it can NEVER fail as you will find in the link (though needs to be understood well to be managed in the changing contexts of trading). Please look at that link very critical.

The Crow (-_-)
Sure Dd we can shake hands; I am also an old school trader and afraid of trading 'falling knives' . I will have a look at the link etc. thanks M.
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space


Below is the screenshot of Gold per FOMC event just now (pity I exited trade and thought of this only after I did), and below it Added last NFP. The test of Orbit is simple:
a) For any major event such as the FOMC on any asset at all take the same kind of snap as below

b) Show me one that was wrong based on INVERSE ON reading. If we all agree to do this then I am saying that 100/100 times Orbit is right. And that is the benchmark.

c) I have said and I mean that the derivation is not simple or by chance. Just as we have the law of gravity in the real world so we have INVERSE ON in traded markets. Cannot fail EVER. Please learn to trade by it. Not a usual concept I agree but that is why Orbit the Tool is beyond some indicator or "trading system." It is the market.


PS: This challenge is for everyone and anyone at all. Show us any event where the INVERSE ON command failed to lead you from folding to stretching. Please take this test seriously it only requires a snap. Waiting to see who can find an instance of failure but knowing that is impossible I also suggest that we take snaps just as this for events and post them here to reassure ourselves and others that in fact Orbit the Tool is the exact solution of the delicate conundrum traders face world wide. And it is not a brag we now have a scientific way to test and prove it right here on Forex Station. Snap must = Folding part and Stretching part so we all see the path dependency of price and you do not need to trade to snap. Just the snap as here is fine. Thank you All
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Observations on screenshot below:

i. Did not wait for screenface traded on inverse on (screenface will correct to action)

ii. Entry is not on event as entry is on Inverse On which event occurs in folding range.

iii. Simple easy steps nothing confusing and no fake man made rules to interfere with the degrees of freedom by which results will always be positive. Do not be scared practice it and see.

The Crow (-_-)

BTW: I left money on the table and exited too quickly because I thought price would reverse. But Gold is still rising so silly of me. Do not think just do command. It is science and you can read it by the link posted. Very simple.
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

It is a very different way of thinking about markets and as such a bit confusing at first. But it is logical beyond dispute. It is important to understand dynamics - it is the one thing we can measure objectively and in real-time. So people need to try to understand some of the things I say and as new. But intended to make you see a method we do not actively use yet in trading. We like to think of cause and effect and have belief in events moving the market. But we show market movement is a mathematical pattern which we can time correctly at all times. It is a very powerful idea we have and we feel it should open up ideas in trading. These are new but try to understand them. People are important to move the market but not that important that they can tell the whole story. Only dynamics can and there is a study called complex dynamical systems to pick your ideas from. That is all.

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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

@ ImpLaNT gave us snap tool DaVinci and I think (I do not know for everybody), that the DaVinci tool is very good to learn when price change at low and at high. Also help us to learn how the screenface change in those topologies (High and Low). So I think we can learn when price is in Finite Loop Equilibrium (FLE) or range (which happens at end of ALL moves) and so learn when to take profit. After take profit do note that you do not simply enter a new trade. Why? Because you are trading a function (please google function in mathematics), and the system (market), will take new input (Low or High) and perform operation on it (folding) before it give new result or output (stretching). Use the DaVinci tool to understand this inductive process. Is it possible to learn this way? I do not know but let us hear from you whether it is possible. I think it is.


PS: Below is proof that price or market (system), is a mathematical function and driven by a recursive equation so Orbit offers risk free trades. It trades one diagonal (Zigzag length) at a time as you can see from the screenshot. Very important to know market is not random and Orbit gives you the exact market. Note screenshot is today (morning) for move that began yesterday in Gold.
These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post (total 2):
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