Re: Moving Average indicators for MT4

Angle Of E-Averages

This is angle of average for test
With static levels or (non)anchored DSL levels...

An On Chart version has also been made, as well as a Candlestick overlay & Histogram.

Re: Moving Average indicators for MT4

Angle Of E-Averages (On Chart MA)

And onchart version of angle of averages...

An Oscillator version has also been made, as well as a Candlestick overlay & Histogram.
These users thanked the author kvak for the post (total 14):
太虚一毫, thomdel, RodrigoRT7, Abdi, iPar, muhammadfarooq, Jimmy, Jedidiah, ChuChu Rocket, yoake, Chickenspicy, Pava, Krunal Gajjar, Ricstar_8

Re: Moving Average indicators for MT4

kvak wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:40 am Angle Of E-Averages (On Chart MA)

And onchart version of angle of averages...

An Oscillator version has also been made.
These users thanked the author Jedidiah for the post (total 3):
ChuChu Rocket, Chickenspicy, kvak
2 Timothy 3:1–2 (NKJV) – But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Re: Moving Average indicators for MT4

kvak wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:40 am Angle Of E-Averages (On Chart MA)

And onchart version of angle of averages...
kvak wrote: Mon Jan 16, 2023 9:39 am Angle Of E-Averages

This is angle of average for test
With static levels or (non)anchored DSL levels...

This is an excellent set of indicators! It is recommended for teachers to upgrade: add interesting elements such as BT and MTF. A histo version can also be produced.

The merits are immeasurable!
These users thanked the author 太虚一毫 for the post (total 2):
kvak, RodrigoRT7

Re: Moving Average indicators for MT4

ionone wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:56 pm thanks a lot

but could you post the enum of the averages list so we don't have to write it off painfullly line by line


Can you try to make V for STOCH %K line when at reach ob/os level!! . note it will be more effective with zigzag 12/4/3
"There is NO GOD higher than TRUTH" - Mahatma Gandhi

Re: Moving Average indicators for MT4

ionone wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:56 pm thanks a lot

but could you post the enum of the averages list so we don't have to write it off painfullly line by line


Hello. Here is enum....

Code: Select all

enum enMaTypes
    ma_adxvma,    // Adxvma moving average
    ma_ahrens,   // Ahrens moving average
    ma_alxma,   // Alexander moving average - ALXMA
    ma_dsma,    //  Deviation scaled moving average  
    ma_wema,   //  Double smoothed Wilders EMA
    ma_dwma,   // Double weighted moving average
    ma_edcf,  // Ehlers distance coefficient filter
    ma_enlf, // Ehlers nonlinear filter
    ma_otf,   // Ehlers Optimal tracking filter
    ma_epma,   // Endpoint moving average
    ma_ema,    // Exponential moving average-EMA
    ma_dema,      // EMA (double) - DEMA
    ma_dsema,   //  EMA (ds) - DSEMA
    ma_tsema,   // EMA Triple smoothed
    ma_qsema,   //  EMA Fourth smoothed
    ma_sema,   //  EMA smoothed
    ma_DSsema,   //  EMA smoothed (ds)
    ma_emaa,      //  EMA adaptive
    ma_emahl,   // Ema trend
    ma_fema,      // Fast exponential moving average - FEMA
    ma_dfema,    // FEMA (double) - DFEMA
    ma_dsfema,   //  FEMA (ds) DSFEMA
    ma_tsfema,   //  FEMA Triple smoothed
    ma_qsfema,   //  FEMA Fourth smoothed
    ma_sfema,   //  FEMA smoothed
    ma_DSsfema,   //  FEMA smoothed (ds)
    ma_frama,      // Fractal adaptive moving average
    ma_Gaverage,   // G moving average
    ma_gdema2, // Generalized DEMA
    ma_gdema,      // Generalized DEMA (DS)
    ma_hull,       // Hull moving average
    ma_hema,       // Hull ma EMA based
    ma_hfema,      // Hull ma FEMA based
    ma_IE2,    // IE2
    ma_itl,     // Instantaneous trend line moving average
    ma_lag,        // Laguerre filter
    ma_leader,    // Leader ema
    ma_linr,       // Least squares moving average
    ma_lwma,   // Linear weighted MA
    ma_mcg,    // McGinley dynamic moving average
    ma_McNich,    // McNicholl moving average
    ma_nlma ,    // Non Lag moving average - NLMA
    ma_nma,    // ocean nma moving average
    ma_pdfma,    //  pdf moving average
    ma_pwma,     // Pwma
    ma_qrma,   // Quadratic Regression moving average
    ma_qwma,   // Quadratic weighted moving average
    ma_regma,   // Regularized EMA
    ma_rwema,   // Range weighted EMA
    ma_rwdsema,   //Range weighted EMA (ds)
    ma_rma,   // Range weighted MA
    ma_rec,    // Recursive  moving trendline
    ma_sjurik,    // Simple jurik moving average
    ma_juriks,    // Simple jurik smooth moving average
    ma_sine,    // Sine weighted moving average
    ma_sdec,    // Simple decycler
    ma_sma,    // Simple moving average
    ma_slwma,   // Smoothed LWMA
    ma_smma,   // Smoothed MA
    ma_ssm,    // super smoother average
    ma_smo,    //  smoother average
    ma_thrpb,     // Three pole Ehlers Butterworth
    ma_thrpesm,   // Three pole Ehlers smoother
    ma_twobb,     // Two pole Ehlers Butterworth
    ma_tpsm,      // Two pole Ehlers smoother
    ma_tema,    // Tripple exponential moving average
    ma_tma,    //  Tringular moving average
    ma_vidya,   // Vidya
    ma_vma,    // Variable moving average
    ma_vwma,    // Volume weighted exponencial moving average
    ma_vwmas,   // Volume weighted MA
    ma_zldema,   // Zero lag dema  
    ma_zlhema,  // Zero lag Hull ma EMA based
    ma_zlhfema,  // Zero lag Hull ma FEMA based 
    ma_zlma,      // Zero lag moving average
    ma_zltema,   // Zero lag tema
These users thanked the author kvak for the post:

Re: Moving Average indicators for MT4

太虚一毫 wrote: Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:06 pm This is an excellent set of indicators! It is recommended for teachers to upgrade: add interesting elements such as BT and MTF. A histo version can also be produced.

The merits are immeasurable!
For now here is buttoned and candle version....

An Oscillator version has also been made, as well as an On Chart & Histogram.
These users thanked the author kvak for the post (total 7):
太虚一毫, Ricstar_8, Jedidiah, RodrigoRT7, thomdel, iPar, Krunal Gajjar

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