IdeaI have been writing code for 38 years.. Ask me anything (AMA)

My first computer was an atari 400 in 1983. My first programming language was Atari Basic(with line numbers)..

in 1991,i i began writing C language code using the Microsoft QuickC IDE for DOS... there isnt a video to show MS quickc, but i do have a nice video for borland turboC which is very similar..

About a year after i began programming C language, i designed and built an automated dialing system for an eight station outbound telemarketing room.. I plugged sixteen telco lines and eight telephones into a 286 10/12 mhz pc clone and wrote the code using ms quickc.

when i was younger, it was common for me to cross the line as a criminal deviant.. and so naturally when one of my computer friends told me that he had a BBS that had listings of credit card numbers, i was like can we order some shit? He was at my door step the next day with a printout of CC #'s.. and we ordered one of the newer atari's via mail order... it came in and we picked it up and my life as a criminal was launched. I was soon processing $20k to $50k of mail order fraud per deal. I later designed and printed a custom cashiers check and was passing them to purchase computer chips and hard drives, i typically would pass those for $10k to $12k.

I got busted in christmas of 92 passing a $13k cashiers check, three civilians pulled pistols on me and i ended up spending eight months in a county jail. While i was in that county jail, i did some maintenance programming work for the client that i had fixed up his phone room.. I wrote three programs for him while i was in jail... i would write them by hand on legal pads and i would mail them out to him in legal envelopes and he would type them into ms quickc and they were always perfect... My largest program that i wrote for that client while i was in jail was 43 1/2 legal pad pages long(double spaced)... Can you imagine writing a program like that and not having even one chance to test compile it? yeah.. that is what i am saying.. and that was when i only had about a year of experience programming C language, lol..

Today, i have been coding C language for thirty years.

One of my early projects from the nineties was that i worked towards automating the flight of a remote control gas powered helicopter.. I removed the radio controls that control the five servos and i wrote machine code(assembler) to control them.. i also controlled the gps and the tilt sensors..

i wrote code in assembler to read this tilt sensor:

I began working on this trading project in 2004 and i have literally gotten my ass stomped all over these forums.

The difference between my work as a trading systems engineer and pretty much all of the other trading systems engineers is that i write my own code... AND I DESIGN AND DEVELOP MY OWN INDICATOR CODE FROM SCRATCH.

i have now spent seventeen years working on the development OF ONE INDICATOR. The script kiddies like to laugh when is say that... they say ha ha ha like dude you are stupid cuz i made four bots just yesterday in two hours, lol..

i dont use moving averages, because they only predict the past..

I dont use the basic indicators, because they are built upon moving averages.

I dont think that fib numbers really mean anything... I mean, seriously, if i use any random numbers and lay them out on the chart, it will look like they are at significant levels.

I have already written two noticeable trading systems... My first system gridded three ccy pairs simultaneously... i had a partner and he promised that he wouldnt show my code to anyone while we were partners, but he did, and he was a bastard as a partner... he fkd me over hard core... My second trading system that he stole from me(after five years in this project) actually turned a 900% profit... My partner pushed me out of the deal and he took MY WORK and he cozied up to the CEO of the compny where he and i met... and my code sat in this house while it turned a 900% profit.... My software sat in this house while it turned a 900% profit..

My software is very different from that which other trading bot developers design..

my work is original and it is sometimes actually legit.

I make a shitton of mistakes, but when i finally figure it all out it tends to be gnarly.

i remember going into the forexfactory in my early days of this project and being told that traders are really really good people and that we HELP EACH OTHER and that i should be one of these good people and i should help by sharing my code with them.

nah, i am gonna pass on that..

and they cancelled my account.

they told me that if i wasnt in the forum to help and to share that i could just get the fk out.

and so now they follow me from forum to forum, slandering my name and stomping all over every thing that i write in forums.

fk the forex factory.

anyways, onward and forward... the game goes on..

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IdeaRe: I have been writing code for 38 years.. Ask me anything (AMA)

ziggy wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:31 am i dont use moving averages, because they only predict the past..

I dont use the basic indicators, because they are built upon moving averages.

I dont think that fib numbers really mean anything... I mean, seriously, if i use any random numbers and lay them out on the chart, it will look like they are at significant levels.
I am not trying to criticize what you write or offend in any way; just trying to figure out what it is you want to communicate:
Despite the fact that I totally agree with what you say about traders, I am not as sure as you seem to be that you are any different.

  1. What exactly are you trying to tell people with your heart-rending story (same self-glorifying claims traders make...)?
  2. The past - except maybe in Faulkner - needn't be "predicted". It is there for everyone to see.
  3. on MAs: Once something, i. e. price, has been set in motion it will continue in this direction until it is stopped - this is what MAs actually help to predict...
  4. Fibs: quite right, except - maybe - that many people believe in them and act accordingly (what makes price react to these numbers/lines etc)
  5. Why not write/talk about trading concepts exclusively and in practical detail? That way people could get an idea of your coding expertise, the rest maybe interesting to your friends & family etc
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LikeRe: I have been writing code for 38 years.. Ask me anything (AMA)

ziggy wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 12:31 am My first computer was an atari 400 in 1983. My first programming language was Atari Basic(with line numbers)..

u certainly caught my eye........... dude forget forex factory dat place is full of gimps.......... toxicity there is on another level & the site is run by soy dudes that dun even TRADE lmfaaoo........ fuck that

welcome to this site man hope 2 hear more from u 🤙🤙🤙
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Official Forex-station GIF animator at your service 👨‍⚖️
See a GIF with on it? I probably made it
The best divergence indicator in the world.
Real news exists: 👈

Re: I have been writing code for 38 years.. Ask me anything (AMA)

I am a self taught programmer, my language of choice is usually gonna be C language. I want to clarify that i am NOT a fan of C++.

if anyone should want to write C code, i cant say enough good things about code blocks, and it is free.

I dont personally use the IDE graphical interface to write my code.. I have always enjoyed writing code in a text editor and then compiling it at the shell.

the code blocks package contains the GCC shell level C compiler.

Re: I have been writing code for 38 years.. Ask me anything (AMA)

ChuChu Rocket wrote: Sat Dec 25, 2021 2:42 am Haha crazy. I wonder if any of these little dare devils have died?
oh yes they have..

they surely have.

i dont wanna turn this post into a gore fest, but if you want to see it just go to youtube and search for cliff jump fail and i dont think that you will be disappointed. ... +jump+fail

i like to watch intense things because it desensitizes me... it is kinda like an old school prison convict... you cant hardly get him excited... he has seen it all.,.. a tornado could go thru the room and he will remain calm... it is desirable for a trader to learn to not get excited about little things.

i am a real programmer.

i am old school.

i write my code using a text editor and i compile at the shell.

i dont like fancy gui's.

i much prefer to write my own version of everything.

following is the most bad ass little computer that i havent had the chance to put my hands on...

the propeller has either cpu's inside of it and it is an amazing machine.

Re: I have been writing code for 38 years.. Ask me anything (AMA)

i am going to be writing some low level API code for a client, because i want to get rid of metatrader..

metatrader has been on my list of things that i hate ever since they did that unannounced upgrade several several years ago where they decided to create this sandbox nonsense and so i woke up one morning and just out of the blue i had to rewrite some of my trading code.

what the heck? is metatrader not familiar with the term "backwards compatible"?

what if i had been on vacation and was actually expecting my code to run nonstop? i would have literally been screwed.

i now run my metatrader in a sub off the root directory and i run it by typing "terminal.exe /portable", which is nonsense.

i also literally hate that metatrader puts that "market" and "codebase" tabs in my trading terminal?

i dont need metatrader using my trading terminal as a billboard to sell garbage apps and garbage code.

dont they have a website?
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andrei-1, FXchaos

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