Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

Буду тестировать такой вариант.
Для индикатора VQ-nrp+arrows показатель Filter равен 1.
I will test this option.
For the VQ-nrp + arrows indicator, the Filter value is 1.
These users thanked the author RomanUkraine for the post (total 2):
Banzai, Oteng

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

I made a change to the VWAP settings. Now shows M30 and below as Daily VWAP.
Pretty cool on 5min charts as shown....
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Banzai, cinare, fadhayemustafa, Narkarn, kowal81, SWicak, thomdel, Blueman, Mundu19, traderokey, stond, Skyold, hannele, Jedidiah
XARD: If Carlsberg made charts... Probably the best charts in the world

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

Yes, indeed great day! The only thing to do today was enter this trades and then watching your account grow
I hear this a lot of times, I have something to tell about. When the day beging nobody know this and yes the idea is trade good days soo in bad days dont trade. and not all the indicators rercalculate, my best strategy are based in not repaint indicators. Soo the people that say indicators not work they are completely wrong. soo if you have a not repaint system ejecuted by a robot with good wining ratio you are in the very up step of this bussiness. Not fear , not phsicology, no time in front of screen, a lot of time free.

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

Cladi39 wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:05 am
I hear this a lot of times, I have something to tell about. When the day beging nobody know this and yes the idea is trade good days soo in bad days dont trade. and not all the indicators rercalculate, my best strategy are based in not repaint indicators. Soo the people that say indicators not work they are completely wrong. soo if you have a not repaint system ejecuted by a robot with good wining ratio you are in the very up step of this bussiness. Not fear , not phsicology, no time in front of screen, a lot of time free.
Well, about picture that I posted above; it was cutted from pdf posted by Mundu19 and concerns only HDI indicator; im completly aware, that non-repainting indicators exists (and are generally speaking better than repainting). HDI is still usefull in my opinion (only as confirmation in the moment of decision making, not for backtesting), when combined with other indicators from this thread.

Im aware too about the fact, that nobody knows, what will happen in the market tomorrow and there is no way to know that in advance. So there is no point in making predictions, checking fundamental data and watching news.

I also completly agree with you about indicators/technical analysis. This false assumption (I think most people in the market have it) that mathematical formula can predict the future is a sure road to failure. It leads to another, dangerous one – that risk doesn’t exist. Indicators provide edge only – an indication of a higher probability of one thing happening over another. So in this sense, they work always as they should.

About robots/ea’s I don’t have any good experience (so far, maybe it will change someday), but I can definitely see some pros of them.
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Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

xard777 wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:41 pm

Looking at it just now.
Have set FX21 to same settings as XU-MA

I have found the error in the code and will correct it at the weekend - thanks again for the headsup.

Respected Sir,
Thanks for your Generosity, Kindness & Support.

I humbly salute you for your Shares, Systems, Templates.
No Trader is as Generous as You are. You are a Boon to Freshers like us.

Thanks a Million Times. Thanks Forver.

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

kowal81 wrote: Tue Aug 11, 2020 12:38 am I just bringed back to life my old laptop with Linux Mint 20 and I can honestly say, MT4 works way better on old hardware, than on new hardware with Windows. No more freezing on M1, M5 charts, which is a big surprise to me. The only problem I can see is with this wavy lines from HGI, this got something to do with fact, that Mint do not contain special characters from Windows. I installed Tft-mscorefonts package and this solved problem with fonts, but not with this. Anybody got any solution?


I think you're missing some Wingding* fonts...
These users thanked the author Jagg for the post (total 2):
kowal81, stond

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

RomanUkraine wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 4:59 am Буду тестировать такой вариант.
Для индикатора VQ-nrp+arrows показатель Filter равен 1.
I will test this option.
For the VQ-nrp + arrows indicator, the Filter value is 1.
VQ-nrp + arrows.........message on MT4......"You are trying to use a renamed indicator"
The indicator name should be " Volatility quality.mq4"

Changing the name in the file itself to " VQ-nrp + arrows.mq4" works of course too, using the meta editor. But then, not sure the original creator will be happy.

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

RplusT wrote: Wed Aug 12, 2020 6:26 pm

VQ-nrp + arrows.........message on MT4......"You are trying to use a renamed indicator"
The indicator name should be " Volatility quality.mq4"
Прошу вибачення, але я не є автором даного індикатора. Я знайшов багато непрацюючих варіантів (або некоректних в роботі) з назвою VQ та іншими.
Зокрема частину на цьому ресурсі і частину на.
Саме працюючий варіант на. А виклав ті індикатори з максимально відкритим кодом, що працюють у мене на платформі МТ-4.
I apologize, but I am not the author of this indicator. I found many broken options (or incorrect ones) with the name VQ and others.
In particular, part on this resource and part on.
It is a working option. And I laid out those indicators with the most open source that work for me on the MT-4 platform.

Окремо хочу подякувати і Харду за його працю, а також программістам Mladen Rakic та його колегам, зокрема mntiwana.
I would also like to thank Hard for his work, as well as programmers Mladen Rakic and his colleagues, in particular mntiwana.

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