Re: MT4 Indicators with alerts/signals

Rockweli wrote:Hi ,
please make this stc indicator as a non repainting version

 stc_color new.mq4  5.23 KB   0 downloads 

This is the non-repainting Schaff trend cycle :  Schaff Trend Cycle nrp.mq4     
Or you can use this one (which is much newer and much more efficient - also does not repaint) :  Schaff Trend Cycle - adjustable signal mtf.mq4     
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Re: MT4 Indicators with alerts/signals

Cladi39 wrote:Hello people, i need Trend Direction & force indicator with buffers and arrows for OB/OS, That exist?. Thanks soo much in advance.
Here is an last smooth version (4 color-nrp sloping-36 averages-vhf adaptive) from and a averages version (user friendly) too,i guess no arrows version was posted then.
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Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

Re: MT4 Indicators with alerts/signals

Cladi39 wrote:I need buffers for the arrows for iCustom function. Thanks soo much
Why not using something like (as an example);

double bufferup[],bufferdn[];

bufferup = iCustom(NULL,0,"volatility-hypertrend",1,i);
bufferdn = iCustom(NULL,0,"volatility-hypertrend",2,i);

if (bufferup[i]!=EMPTY_VALUE && bufferup[i+1]==EMPTY_VALUE)

if (bufferdn[i]!=EMPTY_VALUE && bufferdn[i+1]==EMPTY_VALUE)

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