Re: MT4 Candlesticks, Patterns, Correlation, Breakouts & Price Action indicators

Dear mladen,

Glad to be here.

The attached indicator is being used to study the frequency of minimum range being achieved in certain number of bars.

The idea is to get pips of a box printed on top/bottom of box based on minimum pip range and maximum holding period of time (bars). 

Can you please add maximum time input for the breakout box as I intend to hold a trade for a certain period, say for three hours? This will be basically for back-testing purpose to find ideal average holding period in certain Asian session hours. 

Thank you.

Re: MT4 Candlesticks, Patterns, Correlation, Breakouts & Price Action indicators

optionhk wrote:Dear mladen,

Glad to be here.

The attached indicator is being used to study the frequency of minimum range being achieved in certain number of bars.

The idea is to get pips of a box printed on top/bottom of box based on minimum pip range and maximum holding period of time (bars). 

Can you please add maximum time input for the breakout box as I intend to hold a trade for a certain period, say for three hours? This will be basically for back-testing purpose to find ideal average holding period in certain Asian session hours. 

Thank you.


I am not sure it can be bound to bars if the required time is not exactly the "number of bars x time frame". Will check but I am not promising anything right now. Will get back with the conclusion though

Re: MT4 Candlesticks, Patterns, Correlation, Breakouts & Price Action indicators

Dear mladen,

Is it possible to define time in terms of minutes to find a way out to bind bars with it as well? 

If yes, please provide the bar and minutes inputs as well.

The third input could be defined as Box Distance = maximum time required in minutes/bars required for the market to be ranging.

In such a case a strip should be printed stretching even in future time. 

Attached MT4 indicator high-low engulfing prints this kind of strip but with different logic related to size of wicks but not for future timelines.

Attached is an MT4 indicator which uses future timelines logic. I have printed even 10 years of future vertical timelines from open to close both ending in the future by converting the years into minutes. If bars are used then it prints future time lines for a limited period of bars. 

Unfortunately, I don't have the mq4 for both.

Thank you.

Re: MT4 Candlesticks, Patterns, Correlation, Breakouts & Price Action indicators

optionhk wrote:Dear mladen,

Is it possible to define time in terms of minutes to find a way out to bind bars with it as well? 

If yes, please provide the bar and minutes inputs as well.

The third input could be defined as Box Distance = maximum time required in minutes/bars required for the market to be ranging.

In such a case a strip should be printed stretching even in future time. 

Attached MT4 indicator high-low engulfing prints this kind of strip but with different logic related to size of wicks but not for future timelines.

Attached is an MT4 indicator which uses future timelines logic. I have printed even 10 years of future vertical timelines from open to close both ending in the future by converting the years into minutes. If bars are used then it prints future time lines for a limited period of bars. 

Unfortunately, I don't have the mq4 for both.

Thank you.
Sorry, but as far as ex4 files are concerned, I can not alter them

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