Re: News

Ogee wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 4:14 pm "?feature=share
Tradingview has oscillators made from cot data
Like this one
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Re: News

Trump show trial star witness now admits to embezzlement on top of everything else. Comedy gold.

Trump NYC trial prosecution star witness has so far admitted to illegal taping of client conversations. lying directly to this jury and now to embezzlement of cash from the Trump org. 'Their star witness' LOL.

This whole show trial gets more hilarious every day it go on.

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Re: News

Fani Willis resignation and disqualification. In the other Trump trial case the lead prosecutor faces charges of misappropriation of funds.

Second Trump trial falling apart due to the corruption of those involved with the prosecution.

This is the third case facing an indefinite delay (will probably never be heard) and the 4th collapsing into chaos with a 'star witness' who has been forced to admit to lying and thievery in front of the jury.

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Re: News

PMI data, Trump trial;

Trump trial bias.

Good to see people in the public eye are waking up. I've been warning for years that the plan all along was to destroy liberal democracies to lay the ground for the introduction of authoritarianism/totalitarianism. It's only recently that they've had enough useful idiots to help make it happen. The reason for the sudden introduction of conflicting social policies is to create conflict and division.

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