Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

mrtools wrote:
Hi Baraozemo, found this version with alerts.  

Hi MrTools tks for the reply.

I know this version modified by mladen ,
but I used the original gann-hilo that I got from mql5 to modified and put alerts code using the technique used in slopedirection.mq5  , the alerts works fine with move averages, but I don't know why the same alerts implementation fails with hi-lo.
I need create this for study.

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

baraozemo wrote:
Hi MrTools tks for the reply.

I know this version modified by mladen ,
but I used the original gann-hilo that I got from mql5 to modified and put alerts code using the technique used in slopedirection.mq5  , the alerts works fine with move averages, but I don't know why the same alerts implementation fails with hi-lo.
I need create this for study.

Gann high low activator, as it is described by Gann, is coded in the version mrtools posted.
As of the version on mql5 : among other things solar wind was posted there too in it's metatrader 5 version. Please use the correctly coded versions (and downloading stuff from mql5 never guaranteed that the code posted there was original). To start from (about the "original"): original SSL version of indicator (the non-repainting version) was made by me. That conversion to metatrader 5 took my metatrader 4 SSL version and instead of making a normal metatrader 5 version, was doing a "make-it-as-much-metatrader4-as-possible" code which is not a good way to convert anything

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Hi Mladen,

Sure, the version that you post is more accurate,but my initial doubt is what I did wrong in the code that I posted because I need to know (and Learn) what I did wrong in the code because the alert fails...note: about my old doubt, yesterday I found in the old forum a topic about try3.1.mq5 (from drhouse , where you explain how code a MA on buffer... and I will study carefully... lol  tk you again for the old post)  

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

baraozemo wrote:Hi Mladen,

Sure, the version that you post is more accurate,but my initial doubt is what I did wrong in the code that I posted because I need to know (and Learn) what I did wrong in the code because the alert fails...note: about my old doubt, yesterday I found in the old forum a topic about try3.1.mq5 (from drhouse , where you explain how code a MA on buffer... and I will study carefully... lol  tk you again for the old post)
What I was trying to suggest is the following : when you look for coding issues, it is much, much better to do that on your own code (from line 1 to line nnn made by you), or if that can not be done, do that on a code that is 100% sure without possible issues. Unfortunately a lot of code from mql5 does not comply with the second mode

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Dearest Mladen and MrTools,
I have following Idea / Request in order to have an approach defining the TREND ....
If there will be any possibility to realize this indicator i think will be of great help ...
All rules and conditions are on attached picture ....
Thank you in advance for any positive or negative reply ....

Best Regards
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Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Saad wrote:Hello Mladen
Good to see you again.I have attached a indicator based on volume no supply(ns) no demand(nd).
ND is an up bar with volume lower than the prior two bars
NS is an down bar with volume lower than the prior two bars
NSNDHistory indi only prints after break of signal candle.Please make it print when we get a siganl.Not to print it after break.
Also fix more bar count as it shows only some and option to change signal types(as it now shows signal on v shapes)
Sir what about this?

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

mntiwana wrote:You means 2 MAs within 3 TFs ?
Dear Mntiwana,
I mean within the same Time Frame Chart ...
Description: We use Two (2) Moving Averages. In the picture the Fast MA is 21 period EMA and the Slow MA is 55 period EMA. We find the Three (3) Last Crossing-UP and Three (3) Crossing-Down points. We name the Cross-UP with "Lx" and the Cross-Down with "Hx". We use for "x", number "1" for the last number "2" for the previous and number "3" for the third one. So we will have "H1" for the Last Cross Down point, "H2" for the previous and "H3" for the third ... accordingly for the Cross-Up points we will have "L1" for the last one etc. etc.
Every time a new cross will be effected, numbers will change accordingly, in order to keep numbering logic the same ...
Now the Conditions to define the three states of TREND are :
1. UP-Trend when : L3 < L2 < L1 and H3 < H2 < H1 and as a result the indicator must produce +1
2. Down-Trend when : L3 > L2 > L1 and H3 > H2 > H1 and as a result the indicator must produce -1
3. Flat-Trend if : L3 < L2 > L1 and H3 < H2 > H1 and as a result the indicator must produce "0" "zero"
4. Flat-Trend if : L3 > L2 < L1 and H3 > H2 < H1 and as a result the indicator must produce "0" "zero"

If there something to be clarified please specify ....
Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards

Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas

Dimitri wrote: Dear Mntiwana,
I mean within the same Time Frame Chart ...
Description: We use Two (2) Moving Averages. In the picture the Fast MA is 21 period EMA and the Slow MA is 55 period EMA. We find the Three (3) Last Crossing-UP and Three (3) Crossing-Down points. We name the Cross-UP with "Lx" and the Cross-Down with "Hx". We use for "x", number "1" for the last number "2" for the previous and number "3" for the third one. So we will have "H1" for the Last Cross Down point, "H2" for the previous and "H3" for the third ... accordingly for the Cross-Up points we will have "L1" for the last one etc. etc.
Every time a new cross will be effected, numbers will change accordingly, in order to keep numbering logic the same ...
Note: For "H" we must use the High Price and for the "L" the Low Price.
Now the Conditions to define the three states of TREND are :
1. UP-Trend when : L3 < L2 < L1 and H3 < H2 < H1 and as a result the indicator must produce +1
2. Down-Trend when : L3 > L2 > L1 and H3 > H2 > H1 and as a result the indicator must produce -1
3. Flat-Trend if : L3 < L2 > L1 and H3 < H2 > H1 and as a result the indicator must produce "0" "zero"
4. Flat-Trend if : L3 > L2 < L1 and H3 > H2 < H1 and as a result the indicator must produce "0" "zero"

If there something to be clarified please specify ....
Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards

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