Re: Energy Crisis

Putin signed a decree on the 7th of October that will make Russia take over the operations of the Exxon Mobil, America's energy giant, in the Sakhalin-1 oil and gas project.
Well, fair enough! Who did not see that coming after the West seized or destroyed Russian assets. Germany took over three Russian oil refineries without hesitation.

Re: Energy Crisis

Just 8 years till 2030 net zero target.

Even magicing up better batteries won't make any difference.

The policy is designed to impoverish us all and force acceptance of owning nothing, living in a pod and eating bugs while the Davos billionaires take total control of everything

Re: Energy Crisis

What energy crisis. We got none here at all......... :D

On a positive note:
Took an evening off from trading to dine out and relax at the Lightboat parade on the Mekong River, that signals the end of the yearly Vegetarian Festival.
Well, it's been two years without it because of the Covid Nonsense which finally is no topic anymore.
Every time I think of the mess all over this planet with Covid, exorbitant Energy cost, Carbon emissions and and.......I'm glad I can enjoy life in a still peaceful corner of this planet. Not that I despise my country of origin, but it is really sickening to watch what's going on.

They use a bamboo structure on a floating platform and hang up thousands of small bottles filled with Kerosin. To light up every single one of those is already a huge task. Yeah, I know, but the WEF and Greta said they will look the other way and ignore the bit of Carbon footprint this cultural tradition may leave behind........... :D
Nothing gets disposed into the river. It's all reusable.
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Re: Energy Crisis

"After the U.S. government imposed sanctions on Russia, U.S. oil exports to Europe hit a single-month high since 2016. In June of this year, the EU imported more LNG from the U.S. than it imported pipeline gas from Russia for the first time. U.S. energy players are making hundreds of millions of dollars in windfall profits per large carrier in shipping LNG to Europe.
Restricted by energy sanctions against Russia and the recent Nord Stream gas pipeline leak, Europe has been forced to buy large amounts of high-priced energy from the United States. The U.S. even saw the Nord Stream leak as a "great opportunity" to raise gas prices and sales. Faced with high gas prices, German Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck on Oct. 5 accused some countries, including the United States, of overcharging Germany for natural gas".

Oh, how did this imbecile suddenly figure that out. But still does nothing about it.

It is about time that the Europeans get on their feet to force their governments to stop playing puppets of the US and leading their countries back into the Stone Age.

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Chickenspicy, Ogee

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