Re: Bollinger Bands type indicators for MT4

honje19960321 wrote: Wed Nov 16, 2022 8:58 pm Dear Mr. Tools, Thank you for your generosity in upgrading this gem. .
Please check the arrow code for the breakout channel below.
I feel the arrows are not accurate.
Checked them this is what I get in mtf mode, the candles are off a bit, guessing it's because of the mtf calculation.
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Re: Bollinger Bands type indicators for MT4

sylvester21 wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 3:19 pm Hello Mr Tools and Honje,
Thank you for sharing this indicator. May i know if there's any guide/tips on how to use it, as there's a few lines crossing and might looks confusing for some traders. Thanks!
Hi sylvester21

The indicator of the Donchian channel is optimized by me. Its trading signals are simple.

1. If the MA is on Donchian Channel, do not trade
2.MA broke Donchian Channel, only buy
3. MA breaks through Donchian Channel, only sell

I personally have a habit of confirming trade signals from multiple time frame charts as well as multiple indicators. If they coincide, the trading signal is valid. If inconsistent, no transaction.

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He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life

Re: Bollinger Bands type indicators for MT4

mrtools wrote: Fri May 06, 2022 10:54 am Try.
mrtools wrote: Sat Nov 05, 2022 6:08 am MOBO Bands (Momentum Breakout Bands) updated with Averages Filters by Mladen

Thanks to Mladen this is an update of the mobo averages bands, now using (if I counted right) a choice of 45 averages for the dpo signal line and the mobo center ma. This is all the average types now:

Code: Select all

enum  enMaTypes
            ma_adxvma,                                          // Adxvma
            ma_ahr,                                             // Ahrens moving average
            ma_alxma,                                           // Alexander moving average
            ma_dema,                                            // Double EMA (DEMA)
            ma_dscma,                                           // Deviation scaled ma
            ma_dsema,                                           // Double smoothed EMA
            ma_dsema2,                                          // Double smoothed EMA (variation)
            ma_emas,                                            // Ema derivative
            ma_ema,                                             // Exponential moving average
            ma_emaf,                                            // Fast EMA
            ma_frama,                                           // Fractal adaptive moving average
            ma_hull,                                            // Hull moving average
            ma_hulle,                                           // Hull (ema based) moving average
            ma_ie2,                                             // IE/2
            ma_ilinr,                                           // Integral of linear regression slope
            ma_itl,                                             // Instantaneous trendline
            ma_jur,                                             // Jurik
            ma_lagg,                                            // Laguerre filter
            ma_lead,                                            // Leader exponential moving average
            ma_linr,                                            // Linear regression value
            ma_lwma,                                            // Linear weighted moving average
            ma_mcg,                                             // McGinley Dynamic
            ma_mcma,                                            // McNicholl EMA
            ma_nlma,                                            // Non lag moving average
            ma_pwma,                                            // Parabolic weighted moving average
            ma_rmta,                                            // Recursive moving trendline
            ma_sma,                                             // Simple moving average
            ma_sid,                                             // Simple decycler
            ma_sine,                                            // Sine weighted moving average
            ma_slwma,                                           // Smoothed linear weighted ma 
            ma_smma,                                            // Smoothed moving average
            ma_smoo,                                            // Smoother
            ma_smoo2,                                           // Smoother JMA like
            ma_ssm,                                             // Super smoother
            ma_b3p,                                             // Three pole Ehlers Butterworth
            ma_s3p,                                             // Three pole Ehlers smoother
            ma_tma,                                             // Triangular moving average
            ma_tema,                                            // Triple EMA (TEMA)
            ma_tsema2,                                          // Triple smoothed EMA (variation)
            ma_b2p,                                             // Two pole Ehlers Butterworth
            ma_s2p,                                             // Two pole Ehlers smoother
            ma_vema,                                            // Volume weighted ema
            ma_vwma,                                            // Volume weighted moving average
            ma_zldema,                                          // Zero lag dema
            ma_zlma,                                            // Zero lag MA
            ma_zltema                                           // Zero lag tema
accidental discovery
They are so close.
What is going on?
Are indicators of the same principle?
Or it means that it is actually the same indicator. .
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Re: Bollinger Bands type indicators for MT4

chris006 wrote: Thu Dec 01, 2022 9:35 am Hi Mrtools,

Regarding indicator "! Bermaui averages bands (mtf + arrows + alerts + candles + btn).ex4", could you please consider adding separate formating for each line (lower band, middle band, upper band) so to be able to use different colour, width and style for each line?

Yes will add all that, do not have the file anymore was lost when my laptop died, will try and rebuild it, soon.
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