MOBO Bands (Momentum Breakout Bands) updated with Averages Filters by Mladen
Thanks to Mladen this is an update of the mobo averages bands, now using (if I counted right) a choice of 45 averages for the dpo signal line and the mobo center ma. This is all the average types now:
Code: Select all
enum enMaTypes
ma_adxvma, // Adxvma
ma_ahr, // Ahrens moving average
ma_alxma, // Alexander moving average
ma_dema, // Double EMA (DEMA)
ma_dscma, // Deviation scaled ma
ma_dsema, // Double smoothed EMA
ma_dsema2, // Double smoothed EMA (variation)
ma_emas, // Ema derivative
ma_ema, // Exponential moving average
ma_emaf, // Fast EMA
ma_frama, // Fractal adaptive moving average
ma_hull, // Hull moving average
ma_hulle, // Hull (ema based) moving average
ma_ie2, // IE/2
ma_ilinr, // Integral of linear regression slope
ma_itl, // Instantaneous trendline
ma_jur, // Jurik
ma_lagg, // Laguerre filter
ma_lead, // Leader exponential moving average
ma_linr, // Linear regression value
ma_lwma, // Linear weighted moving average
ma_mcg, // McGinley Dynamic
ma_mcma, // McNicholl EMA
ma_nlma, // Non lag moving average
ma_pwma, // Parabolic weighted moving average
ma_rmta, // Recursive moving trendline
ma_sma, // Simple moving average
ma_sid, // Simple decycler
ma_sine, // Sine weighted moving average
ma_slwma, // Smoothed linear weighted ma
ma_smma, // Smoothed moving average
ma_smoo, // Smoother
ma_smoo2, // Smoother JMA like
ma_ssm, // Super smoother
ma_b3p, // Three pole Ehlers Butterworth
ma_s3p, // Three pole Ehlers smoother
ma_tma, // Triangular moving average
ma_tema, // Triple EMA (TEMA)
ma_tsema2, // Triple smoothed EMA (variation)
ma_b2p, // Two pole Ehlers Butterworth
ma_s2p, // Two pole Ehlers smoother
ma_vema, // Volume weighted ema
ma_vwma, // Volume weighted moving average
ma_zldema, // Zero lag dema
ma_zlma, // Zero lag MA
ma_zltema // Zero lag tema