DEMA (Double Exponential Moving Average) using Jurik Volty
From Mladen Rakic:
Some of the average type indicators are, by their nature, suitable for being adaptive.
One of them is DEMA (Double Exponential Moving Average). This version is using Jurik Volty for making the DEMA adaptive.
PS: when comparing adaptive indicators with the non-adaptive versions, it always should be compared for long periods. The reason is simple: for short periods the difference is small and a lot of times it can not be noticed on a first sight.
Below is a comparison of regular DEMA (gray line) and Jurik Volty Adaptive DEMA (colored line) - both using a period 50.
It is obvious that adaptive DEMA is leading when compared to regular DEMA.
An MT4 version (and MT5 version attached)
Did a mt4 version, hopefully it's close.
Re: Adaptive Indicators for MT4
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