Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:40 am Sometimes when I watch news on Orbit I cannot help but think things are leaked ahead to the tool. Every time it is positioned so that it fits. Amazing to me frankly. No brag at all.

There is no certainty that this upward movement will continue after the release of red news. What’s alarming is the fact that this started before the news and not after it, and this has happened more than once that the market seems to be exhaling its last breath before the news that is designed to turn it around.
By the way, note that the S- Ordinal never turned green, the 6n in the Fractal Patterns section is still pointing down, and Price Dynamics continues to say that the downward pullback should continue. So everything is very ambiguous...
These users thanked the author ImpLaNT for the post (total 3):
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:51 am There is no certainty that this upward movement will continue after the release of red news. What’s alarming is the fact that this started before the news and not after it, and this has happened more than once that the market seems to be exhaling its last breath before the news that is designed to turn it around.
By the way, note that the S- Ordinal never turned green, the 6n in the Fractal Patterns section is still pointing down, and Price Dynamics continues to say that the downward pullback should continue. So everything is very ambiguous...

But note and renote the power of nSign On it is remarkable that if it points price goes. What I am writing contains aspects of how Orbit is set and it is set such that even the proposer has to learn to read it and can be amazed how it works sometimes for real. And yes you are very right above but I wished it had let me know all of this before I chucked my nice trade. Since I like entry from (in this case) a fresh low to high (CMD 1 = up) I do not know when such a chance will come so really hope you are right and I think sincerely you are and indeed even before this but thought it was going to happen earlier of course for all the drama just 1049 points so far on the register (hence the slow agreement of 6n with all the razz so far). nSign On however is a real beauty and most supportive. Cheers (so watch it to confirm a turn down).

These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post (total 2):
Mundu19, ImpLaNT

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 12:51 am There is no certainty that this upward movement will continue after the release of red news. What’s alarming is the fact that this started before the news and not after it, and this has happened more than once that the market seems to be exhaling its last breath before the news that is designed to turn it around.
By the way, note that the S- Ordinal never turned green, the 6n in the Fractal Patterns section is still pointing down, and Price Dynamics continues to say that the downward pullback should continue. So everything is very ambiguous...

1.30pm GMT can move without news, 2.30 NY stock market opening can be start of a slow steady move in one direction, after 5pm London close can set a movement going if nothing much before happens for a short time.
6n red is a factor for me as well but that could change as the market has been in a smaller range last few days, and will change on an upward break with plenty of room to move if it goes. Weekly MRI line target would be fun.
TT n closed exit would end anything though after the news.
These users thanked the author Dave111 for the post (total 2):
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 1:12 am But note and renote the power of nSign On it is remarkable that if it points price goes. What I am writing contains aspects of how Orbit is set and it is set such that even the proposer has to learn to read it and can be amazed how it works sometimes for real. And yes you are very right above but I wished it had let me know all of this before I chucked my nice trade. Since I like entry from (in this case) a fresh low to high (CMD 1 = up) I do not know when such a chance will come so really hope you are right and I think sincerely you are and indeed even before this but thought it was going to happen earlier of course for all the drama just 1049 points so far on the register (hence the slow agreement of 6n with all the razz so far). nSign On however is a real beauty and most supportive. Cheers (so watch it to confirm a turn down).

Hello Sir,
Could you explain a bit more about the nSign. I have tried to understand it from slide 21 on ZOrbit_Control pdf and can't seem to understand the concept. Thanks
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Mundu19 wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 1:26 am Hello Sir,
Could you explain a bit more about the nSign. I have tried to understand it from slide 21 on ZOrbit_Control pdf and can't seem to understand the concept. Thanks
Oh it is simple and same equality as for the main command but looking at the partition n only. So for instance when price is moving from low to high if you see a) nCy = nTTc = Green then it is saying price is in a pullback in that partition and then if it then turns to b) nCy = nTTo = Gold it is a breakout. My point is that it does these things before the higher partitions and so a leading indicator of what is ahead. So for instance and about the time @ImpLaNT posted his order it went Gold and here we are pushing higher and the thing is it never fails to be correct just that it does not specify how far the market will go and sometimes it may not be too far but there will be a breakout and it will go. So it is like a surefire indicator of direction in which you can be absolutely confident in. I have never seen it fail but it works in the lovely sense of if in doubt wait for it to show the way and on seeing it hit it. Hope this is some help. Cheers


PS: On my trip yesterday down memory (which made me absolutely angry the things I saw), I noticed for the first time that you have always been with this thread because I am talking the first 15 or so pages and I never noticed because I think you rarely post. But thank you for your trust and best wishes.
These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post (total 3):
Mundu19, ImpLaNT, ForexFux

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 1:45 am Oh it is simple and same equality as for the main command but looking at the partition n only. So for instance when price is moving from low to high if you see a) nCy = nTTc = Green then it is saying price is in a pullback in that partition and then if it then turns to b) nCy = nTTo = Gold it is a breakout. My point is that it does these things before the higher partitions and so a leading indicator of what is ahead. So for instance and about the time @ImpLaNT posted his order it went Gold and here we are pushing higher and the thing is it never fails to be correct just that it does not specify how far the market will go and sometimes it may not be too far but there will be a breakout and it will go. So it is like a surefire indicator of direction in which you can be absolutely confident in. I have never seen it fail but it works in the lovely sense of if in doubt wait for it to show the way and on seeing it hit it. Hope this is some help. Cheers


PS: On my trip yesterday down memory (which made me absolutely angry the things I saw), I noticed for the first time that you have always been with this thread because I am talking the first 15 or so pages and I never noticed because I think you rarely post. But thank you for your trust and best wishes.
Thanks. Will start observing it from now on. It's true I have been on this thread from around December of last year. I only started re-reading afresh a few weeks ago as I realized what you have given us is very different from mainstream systems. It's easy on the eyes too and once you understand the concepts, easy to follow. I used to get frustrated on how to re-enter a movement or even when it has come to an end. Now am beginning to understand the market more with Orbit the Tool.
Thanks again for sharing this with us here.
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

I have given up for the day, was up 60+ pips at one point before the news but failed to push up. Orbit can't do anything about the market when it's slow due to holidays etc. but did signal an exit with no loss using nTT as previous post. We did have another move up after the strange London 5pm close thing I mentioned which has changed the global fractal 6n back to green again, so unless we have a breakout today I will be looking for trend continuation at the start of the new week.
Over time you notice quirks with the pair you are trading but in the end Orbit has everything covered and is a real joy to follow as the price moves.
But it is Friday night and I hope to show the basic very easy reading of Orbit to help those still struggling to get started next week as I seem to be recovering from Covid. We may also have DarkDoji's guide to go through as well so should be a better week for me.
These users thanked the author Dave111 for the post (total 2):
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

THE LESSON @ImpLaNT TAUGHT ME TODAY (it takes courage and vision)

@ImpLaNT taught me a lesson. Both of us had the same information and he went with the theory but I went my fears. I had trades on and I had made some money with the intention of doubling what I had made so far. But seeing price in FLE for 3 days, and a consistently sluggish market and then misreading 6n FP and S Ordinal I concluded that there was some risk of a pullback ahead and because I have rules on drawdowns and limits I cannot cross (whether or not a drawdown is a realized loss), on the account I trade and was not sure how far a pullback will take me I opted for safety first. The thing also was I had talked with @ImpLaNT earlier in the day and explained my fears and that I was going to exit which I did.

But when he went to trade the Orbit console or Screenface to trade he looked at things differently and far more correctly than I did, he looked at it more strategically too focusing on Synchrony and Ambiance. He read the TT surface as expanding with a little chance of contraction (expanding to 8n and 9n increasing the surface area of Gold and reducing the surface area of Green to zero in future) and the Cyclicality surface as stable in supporting a rising attractor given all Attractors in Gold are converging on a single high point on the mother Attractor in MN), then on nSign On (I think not sure what he used to cue his trade), he entered before the news which he ignored as the irrelevancy it was and engaged the market prior to whatever event was scheduled (do not know I never bother to check news calendars). He read and traded CMD 1 exactly as it should be traded.

Frankly, I did not understand the S Ordinal and 6n FP as defined by low volatility on the Day. And when that hit me by looking at the top right-hand corner of Screenface I better understood it was not a warning (but it could easily have been since if you noticed the market fluctuated at close to correct it otherwise the reading would have been valid ahead). When you look at the screenshots I have attached you would see the shapes Screenface was showing to @ImpLaNT and which he understood intuively if not explicitly. CMD 1 is an extremely bullish structure and the market right now is extremely bullish but only now do I see the missing parts of my understanding. I dropped the ball because I failed to follow the understanding that you buy lows in CMD 1 regardless of your fears and apprehensions and as long as you are cued (I saw nSign On on time but had made up my mind at that point that I would wait things out), and please see the pattern we are trading in the M30 window which is the exact same shape in the other H4 chart I show and of course the exact same shape all the way to MN and therefore clearly focused on what @Davie 111 mentioned about WK target break line or level. When you put all this together under no circumstances should I have dropped the ball. What I am writing says so clearly, all I have ever written say so clearly as well. Which is why in the cloud version you can call up these shapes to relate them to what you see on screenface because perception matters. Just to share my review of the day which I do everyday. And BTW I bought the market up and as late as I saw these things. Why? There is no reason not to it is CMD 1 and if for any reason I am wrong which I doubt at this point I will hedge out the drawdown rules on my account and will expect that the range limit for any drop at this point should be 1986 (but may be more likely price jumps on Open new week rather than fall). We learn everyday.


PS: When I finish what I am writing you will understand my thinking more and also understand my language better and probably begin to see things similarly if not already. BTW: All of this tell me Orbit is a well worked tool and something any trader can use to improve and sustain her profits I was impressed not just by @ImpLaNT’s play but also by the support Orbit gave his trading clearly it is not a simple tool based on “signals” it is a model deeply connected to trader’s intuitive sense of the market to guide her actions productively regardless of what anyone says it demonstrated that today (_-_) Happy
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:01 am THE LESSON @ImpLaNT TAUGHT ME TODAY (it takes courage and vision)
I want to say that I am not in a position to teach you lessons. I don’t think that I can teach you anything, because in any case you know more and understand more deeply, this is undeniable.

Now regarding trading... I don’t think the price will be able to go far upward, despite the fact that the week closed high. My assumptions are based on the fact that the previous pullback, which I traded and waited for 1980, but never came, is, in my opinion, not completed. I think that the buyers did not include people who were looking for this opportunity in the 1980 area. Look at the chart, the rectangle shows the zone where the price had to go down in order to move up with renewed vigor, but this did not happen. Those who pulled the price up on Friday will quickly lose their strength. In other words, I don’t expect a significant upward movement, the most that can be done is to renew the maximum around 2009, although I think that even this will not happen. Look at the combination of semaphore dots... This is clearly not something that can move up, and most importantly, we still didn’t get 6n 2(Y) on a downward pullback.

And by the way, on Friday, as you can see, the price can't managed to leave the middle space, it hit the ceiling - the 2003 level. Naturally, on Monday the space will be more shifted upward due to Friday’s rise, but I will assume that the price is unlikely to move into the far space for the reasons stated above.
These users thanked the author ImpLaNT for the post (total 3):
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2023 6:26 pm I want to say that I am not in a position to teach you lessons. I don’t think that I can teach you anything, because in any case you know more and understand more deeply, this is undeniable.
With all due respect you are wrong. The market we say is a mathematical construct but trading is NOT mathematics, it is a human activity and we can as traders teach each other things from time to time and from our experiences and perspectives once we agree that we trade within a given structure, i.e. a chaotic system underpinned by a fractal structure. Learning is humility for no one knows it all.

The Crow (-_-)
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