Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Dave111 wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:39 am Are you using Microsoft Windows, if you are then Google install fonts. Think it is accessed through the control panel, been a few years since I used Windows but should be easy enough, it's the webdings and wingdings that need updated from Microsoft.
Yes i use windows 10, i will try on other pc tomorrow. Could you tell me an hour to compare the tool on one symbol (eur/usd for example) with your screenshot to see if it works correctly and signals match?

Now much better i think.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ffsss wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:19 am Yes i use windows 10, i will try on other pc tomorrow. Could you tell me an hour to compare the tool on one symbol (eur/usd for example) with your screenshot to see if it works correctly and signals match?

Now much better i think.

Is this a laptop as it seems like everything does not fit in the screen. Try going into your Windows/Setting/ Display and see if you can increase the resolution up any first of all.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Trading is not mathematics only the reading of fluctuation is. So what is trading? Trading Orbit the Tool is the evaluation of the options and contexts presented by the tool and the TIMING of response selection and actioning by a human trader. So nothing we know says that a trader will gain 100/100 times even when the tool is correct 100/100 times. It all depends on the trader, and the traders circumstance and availability plus trading environment.
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:14 am Trading is not mathematics only the reading of fluctuation is. So what is trading? Trading Orbit the Tool is the evaluation of the options and contexts presented by the tool and the TIMING of response selection and actioning by a human trader. So nothing we know says that a trader will gain 100/100 times even when the tool is correct 100/100 times. It all depends on the trader, and the traders circumstance and availability plus trading environment.


I dont understand, in the first image now is supposed to buy? But arrows and spike event say sell right?

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ffsss wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 7:31 pm I dont understand, in the first image now is supposed to buy? But arrows and spike event say sell right?
I do not understand as well what you actually mean. Why do you say it is supposed to buy? Because last point is at a low? If so last point is still moving down and had not stopped at the time the screenshot was taken. Second, we do not use Orbit screens to show trade setup as such because what you are seeing is history and your decision should be based on current information. Only the trader can know exactly what the current information was at the point we are discussing. Third please do not read arrow pointing's as buy/sell -- arrows read different things about the market e.g. whether trading is in range or in trend etc so go to manual study meanings of each arrow and the observe behaviour of model over time so you can understand meanings. It is not an MA crossover reading so it gives more details so do not always assume buy/sell. You need to read the overall context of the fluctuation. You can not understand Orbit in one day so please take some time to observe, read manual and other notes, ask questions about what you read but most especially spend a lot of time to observe the tool and how to make decisions with the tool. Do not base your reading on partial signs. Decision must be based on what the whole screen is telling you not one arrow. Be patient do not hurry to understand because once you understand you will see there are no more problems with trading and winning most of the time.


PS: Also it may help if you tried to read the original story in the correct order and understand the story first so you can also understand the argument. Also I assume by first image you mean the first screenshot in your post?

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Dave111 wrote: Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:50 pm Here is a screenshot I took before going to bed last night of Gold at the start of the new trading day 0:00 GMT.
First time I have seen everything at max and not long before it turned down.
No kidding -------------> while you were sleeping the market was working (changing), and as you know inflection points are not sign posted in market space (which is why we rely on topological reads). Some people using all sorts of heuristics can be very good at telling approximately turning points, zones or whatever. But from your screenshot price had been coming from quite a long way down (the last Gold Crown low on screen) and the sequence exhausted about where it turned (the sequences we trade are the listings of matched buy sell orders available in range and once this list is exhausted clearly we have a pivot and price must turn as there are no more matches for the matching engines (within the microstructure setup) to publish in direction). I guess this can happen anywhere in fractal space or the so called market strange attractor since we cannot say from the outside without an explicit display of the matched list the range left to go before a sequence of matched orders is exhausted. So it is a dogs life for the trader and the same thing happened to me the night before so this time took out my trade at the point I was able to keep awake watching the move and left and then woke to find what you are talking about in your post. But that is the market for you simply cannot dictate to it rather it dictates to us and we must comply to keep winning - but Orbit as usual timed the changes exactly for those hanging around. Clock time is very hard to manage it is a personal thing. Cheers

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