What do you need to look for in a forex broker?

Do you prefer the safety and security of a well-established firm in a heavily regulated area?

Is the broker licensed to do business in your country?

Can you verify how capitalized the company is, because this fact alone will ensure that the broker has access to global liquidity providers, which can provide quick order execution at competitive pricing?

If you are a beginner, does the broker have adequate training and support materials and one-on-one professional assistance?

Does their trading platform suit your tastes and can it handle your expected quantity and monetary volume of trades at a price that you want? Has the broker won awards or does it have several favorable testimonials from satisfied clients?

Is it an innovative broker or does it come up short by comparison of its set of features?

As you can see, there are a lot of things to think about when choosing a forex broker. The steps are to learn about the industry, select a few brokers for closer examination, compare and evaluate, and then make your selection. Lastly, test your choice slowly by becoming acquainted with their demo system, making small trades on their real-time system, talking to customer service, and then requesting a withdrawal, if that process concerns you.
what we want: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=9 <3
what market delivers: 1+2+8+7-4+0-5+8-4-5+1=9 :problem:

Re: What do you need to look for in a forex broker?

regard @LazarR

all type broker from LP//MM///ECN//NDD//STP and anything in future burned :wave:

all of them when we using small order on lower tf or having bulk order or use any scalper,they be mother f_ _ker
profit in this game is not important,we must try long time survive in this game
but when we use higher tf or regular tradeو you see all of them is Holy
generally if we want make money on market,they want play with money on market
any strange trade need contract with broker,it need huge money for account,without it they beat your account in anyway ,sooner or later
what we want: 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=9 <3
what market delivers: 1+2+8+7-4+0-5+8-4-5+1=9 :problem:

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