IndicatorQQE indicators for MT4

QQE indicators for MT4

A kind of a short description for start :

The origin of the Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE) indicator is currently unknown.

The QQE indicator consists of a smoothed Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicator and two volatility-based trailing levels (fast and slow).

The Fast Trailing Level (TL) and Slow TL are constructed by calculating the ATR of the smoothed RSI over n-periods and then further smoothing the ATR using an additional n-periods Wilders smoothing function.

This smoothed ATR of RSI is then multiplied by the Fast and Slow ATR Multipliers to calculate the final Fast and Slow Trailing Levels.


There are several different methods in which the QQE can be used to generate trading signals.

Here are few of the more common techniques:


  1. RSI / Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL Crossover:
    A buy signal occurs when the RSI crosses above the Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL and a sell signal occurs when RSI crosses below the Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL.
  2. RSI / 50-level Crossover: When the RSI crosses above 50 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the RSI crosses below 50 a sell signal is given.
  3. Fast ATR TL / Slow ATR TL Crossover: A buy signal occurs when the Fast ATR TL crosses above the Slow ATR TL and a sell signal occurs when Fast ATR TL crosses below the Slow ATR TL.


Looking for divergences between the QQE indicator and price can prove to be very effective in identifying potential reversal points in price movement.
Trade long on Classic Bullish Divergence: Lower lows in price and higher lows in the QQE; Trade short on Classic Bearish Divergence: Higher highs in price and lower highs in the QQE.

Overbought/Oversold Conditions

Much like the original RSI (and other oscillators), the QQE indicator can be used to identify potential overbought and oversold conditions in price movements. An Overbought condition is generally described as the QQE being greater than or equal to the 70% level while an oversold condition is generally described as the QQE being less than or equal to the 30% level.

Trades can be generated when any of the QQE outputs (RSI, Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL) crosses these levels.

When the RSI, Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL crosses above 30 a buy signal is given. Alternatively, when the RSI, Fast ATR TL or Slow ATR TL crosses below 70 a sell signal is given.


A lot of variations that are deviating from the above description will be posted, but the upper can serve as a kind of a "know how" description to how to use any of the QQE variations
These users thanked the author mladen for the post (total 3):
anka97, 太虚一毫, Jedidiah

Re: QQE indicators for MT4

QQE (Quantitative Qualitative Estimation) indicators have variety of sub categories,like ...

QQE                                  (a general miscellaneous category)
QQE (VHF Adaptice)
QQE Advanced
QQE alb QQE advanced
AllAbsolute QQE
QQE Averages Filtered
cfb Adaptive QQE + DZ
QQE different pairs
QQE histo
QQE of Laguerre RSI mtf alerts (any symbol)
QQE Rapid
QQE Stoch
QQE Velocity histo mtf

and some more,so starting from Averages first,almost every version with 6 type RSIs (regular,Wilders,Rapid,cuttlers,Harris and RSX)
Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

Re: QQE indicators for MT4

QQE averages histo + alerts + arrows

Histogram version of QQE with addition of 20 types of Averages that can be used for calculation and 18 types of prices that can be used too for calculation,arrow on signal cross or zone cross or both.
These users thanked the author mntiwana for the post (total 2):
太虚一毫, ERP The Trader
Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

Re: QQE indicators for MT4

QQE averages filtered histo + alerts + arrows

This version of QQE have 20 types of Averages and 18 types of prices and can filter the price using one of 20 types of Averages ..... to turn of the filter,set the RSIPriceFilter to <=1
These users thanked the author mntiwana for the post (total 2):
太虚一毫, Akela
Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

Re: QQE indicators for MT4

The above posted 1.3 version produce some strange results (in positive sense) when i was playing with
that are usually not expected from qqe
it looks if some more features be added,might be give some attractive results but i am not sure just guessing around.
Indicator is just a tool.

Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.

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