Re: MT4 Indicator requests and ideas


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 Solar Wind Joy Translated from MT4 to Amibroker 
 heavily modified by trash to significantly improve speed of original code by KelvinHand
 origins from 
Version( 5.90 );

period = Param( "Period", 35, 1 );
smooth = Param( "Smoothing period", 10, 1 );

//---- mod by trash start
// using AMA2 -> huge speed up by using array instead of loop
function aFishFunc( period ) {
    MaxH = HHV( H, period );
    MinL = LLV( L, period );
    midbar = ( H + L ) / 2;
    array1  = 2 * ( ( midbar - MinL ) / ( MaxH - MinL + 1e-30 ) - 0.5 );
    Value = AMA2( array1, 0.33, 0.67 );
    Value = Min( Max( Value, -0.999 ), 0.999 );

    array2 = log( ( 1 + Value ) / ( 1 - Value ) );
    aFish = AMA2( array2, 0.5, 0.5 );
    return IIf( aFish > 0, 10, -10 );

function VarSum( per ) {
    result = per;
    for( i = 1; i < per; i++ )
        result += per - i;
    return result;

// two times used average calculation put to function
function cAverage( array, period ) {
    bi = BarIndex();
    if( Status( "action" ) == actionIndicator ) {
        startbar = Max( period, FirstVisibleValue( bi ) - period );
        endbar = LastVisibleValue( bi );
    } else {
        startbar = period;
        endbar = BarCount - 1;
    result = Null;
    for( i = startbar; i <= endbar; i++ ) {
        SumI = 0;
        for( k = 0; k < period; k++ ) {
            weight = period - k;
            SumI += weight * array[i - k];
        result[i] = SumI;
    return result / VarSum( period );

aFish = aFishFunc( period );
aLine = cAverage( cAverage( aFish, smooth ), smooth );
// --- mod by trash end

colorH = IIf( aLine > 0, colorBrightGreen, 
         IIf( aLine < 0, colorRed, colorGold ) );
Plot( aLine, "", colorH, stylenolabel | styleHistogram, Null, Null, 0, 0, -30 );

colorL = IIf( /*mod by trash*/Sum(aLine > 0, 2) == 2, colorBrightGreen, 
         IIf( /*mod by trash*/Sum(aLine < 0, 2) == 2, colorRed, colorGold ) );
Plot( aLine, "", colorL, stylenolabel | stylethick );

PlotGrid( 0, colorLightgrey, 6, 1, True );

Title = StrFormat( "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} - Solar Wind Joy: " +
                   EncodeColor( SelectedValue( ColorL ) ) + "%g", aline );
Please convert back to mt4 thus improved version of solar wind
0 + 0 = 0
Infinite / Infinite = 1
1 way to Heaven & it matters

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