Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Darkdoji wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 4:39 am You know there are no resources on chaos theory and fractal geometry applied to trading per se. I started off from first principles and developed the tool we can now use. When I say price dynamics I mean chaotic dynamics since the context is the same (some complex dynamical system with a singularity looping through space). So yes the dynamics is here ... ic%20chaos. But in addition there is also my specific discovery of how price moves which is here: ... ctive.html but of course it takes even wider reading than that to get the full hang and that is by googling up aspects. So anyone (such as may be you), who wishes more insight into price dynamics will have to go through the route I took. I could do a diagrammatic presentation but not much meat in that until and unless you have at least read and understood the first site and are able to connect it with the second then further readings expand your scope. You are going to need to visualize things a lot in terms of how what you read applies to markets. Until we have books on the topic for trading this is the best you can do since I am not going to write a book after the hassle of putting a model that works together. In any case I feel it is better to read the math directly.


PS: Also people a) waiting for the inverse on command and b) winning such trades each time may not care much for the specifics of price dynamics since they do not actually need it to directly trade just to understand why the trading works especially given the general trader attitude you suggest above.
PS: Also people... may not care much for the specifics of price dynamics since they do not actually need it to directly trade just to understand why the trading works

From what I have seen, most "traders" don't care about what an indicator is actually "indicating". They just want it to produce some kind of a signal. So indicators are routinely used to provide a signal that in reality, has no connection at all with what the trader thinks is being signaled. And because the win rate of the system using the indicator is quite low, but there are indeed winners, the trader's belief that the indicator is actually a good one is reinforced, and he just needs to make some adjustments to the system to improve the win rate. He doesn't even consider that the winning trades could be the result of pure coincidence and have nothing to do with the indicator itself. After all, on an hourly basis, even a stopped clock is correct 2 times out of 24.
The Crow hates eating crow, but serves himself nearly every day.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

@regit you got slow down just a bit.

a) In your top post you got to put in some more rigor than you have else you might miss the point. While the graphics you see might stimulate your imagination and cause you to make direct equivalencies of what you see on market charts the learning points may be different. In the chaos diagrams the learning points have to do with the path of a variable to chaos. In the first chart I believe you are looking at what is called fixed points. In the second you are looking at chaos. What is instructive in comparing the 2 states of the system shown is the differential in bifurcation rates. There is a whole lot that is important about this and yes while the two states are true of the market it is important to a) first gain the fundamental sense of the dynamics involved in both states b) understand what this means in and of itself and in the context of the study of chaos before c) now thinking of how and where it applies to markets. The concept of chaos is far deeper than would allow direct equivalencies with the market just from similarity of graphics with market charts alone. You must master what is being taught before you can figure out when and where what you have learned can be applied in markets. But sure the enthusiasm is clear on your part and you will certainly make huge headways, but just know it is a very rigorous study and you do need to slow down a bit more to understand first what is being taught before you can start thinking about markets at all. But where your mind went from the graphics you saw is quite understandable to me.

b) In the second case or post I would again urge the same - slow down just a bit. It is dynamics and so everything is changing at once and unlike "technical" analysis there are no fixed forms. Yes crown top but there was a pullback to green low and at that point i) we had a tradable low point ii) and that low point could potentially displace the crown top in continuation, and iii) on the initial pullback to the tradable green low you were in folding range. I cannot tell from here and now what happened overall but from the screenshot I see n fractal pattern indicate a cut out of flow. Fractal pattern is split into 2, trend and fluctuant - so from here I see we are at a high point (red) and can read from the screenshot that n fractal pattern like everyone else had momentum up by the light green arrow but the red dot or fluctuant shows that flow had been cut off momentarily. So it is possible the red point we see in the screenshot turned price down on that cue alone. On the other hand I cannot be categorical because looking at the screenface I would not know what was going on - Inverse On resuming from the middle (of KSO), or inverse on terminating on the n fractal pattern in question. So you are the trader and there can be no experts on your trade since basically no one else but you knows your objective at the time of your screenshot, what you were reading off of the screenface and how you were interpreting things based on the price action to the point of the screenshot. But my point is you had enough information to have acted profitably so it is you who needs to describe to us what you had in mind and what you were aiming to do given the information you had from all that stimuli the screenface was providing as well as the price action you witnessed to that point. However, from your question it is obvious to me that you may not have actually begun trading by Orbit. Because you are asking where you are in space rather than what you did in response to the price action on screen. Anyway, one step at a time. But you would have made a killing trading inverse on from the inception of that move easy.


Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

Here is a capture of two charts of GBPUSD M15 side-by-side that have been running for about 24 hours. How can the displays be so different? Refresh resulted in no changes at all.
The third chart below them was added about 5 minutes before the screen capture was taken. So, the upper left chart matches the new chart, indicating that for whatever reason, the upper right chart is not updating the various Orbit EA objects.
The Crow hates eating crow, but serves himself nearly every day.

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

regit wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:11 pm Here is a capture of two charts of GBPUSD M15 side-by-side that have been running for about 24 hours. How can the displays be so different? Refresh resulted in no changes at all.
The third chart below them was added about 5 minutes before the screen capture was taken. So, the upper left chart matches the new chart, indicating that for whatever reason, the upper right chart is not updating the various Orbit EA objects.
Hello Sir,
As previously observed, it is better to open Orbit one pair at time, this mean having more than one pair at time opened with Orbit, may lead to bug in the screenface , in my experience especially if the pairs have the same currency it is more problematic.
Also, in case you don't know, remember if you wanna refresh Orbit you have 2 options :
- Change time frame
- Reload the template
Refreshing the chart in the standard way ( right click --> refresh ) won't work.
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

regit wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 6:11 pm
Unfortunately, the expert freezes from time to time. Sometimes this happens quite often, for example, 5-6 times a day, sometimes it can work for a day without a single hang. What is the reason for this is unknown, the expert is launched in a separate terminal and only for one pair.
Hanging can be seen by the long-term immutability of symbols on the screenface, for example, the symbols associated with the partitions n, 2n, or the digital value in the Power icon. These values change quite often, and if such changes don't occur, for example, for 15 seconds, the adviser most likely freezes. You can check this by trying to change the timeframe of the chart to any other than the current one. When you try to change the timeframe, this will not happen and the terminal may freeze. In any of these cases, restarting the terminal helps.
These users thanked the author ImpLaNT for the post (total 2):
Darkdoji, areteus1

Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

regit wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 5:57 am Chaos game: No more worries about false breakouts ...

@regit seeing your sincere interest I think I will do a diagrammatic representation of the chaotic dynamics discussed for the logistic map. That way you are guided when reading the material and get to know at least the highlights of what is being said and what are the important implications for price dynamics to keep in view. But will have to find that time so cannot be immediate and may be by this weekend. The topic is important and very revealing of the behaviour of price in a sense not commonly known.

The Crow (-_-)
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Re: A New Trading Game (chaos game) Played for Money and Played in Risk- Free Space

ImpLaNT wrote: Tue Mar 28, 2023 7:17 pm Unfortunately, the expert freezes from time to time. Sometimes this happens quite often, for example, 5-6 times a day, sometimes it can work for a day without a single hang. What is the reason for this is unknown, the expert is launched in a separate terminal and only for one pair.
Hanging can be seen by the long-term immutability of symbols on the screenface, for example, the symbols associated with the partitions n, 2n, or the digital value in the Power icon. These values change quite often, and if such changes don't occur, for example, for 15 seconds, the adviser most likely freezes. You can check this by trying to change the timeframe of the chart to any other than the current one. When you try to change the timeframe, this will not happen and the terminal may freeze. In any of these cases, restarting the terminal helps.
There is an automatic refresh tool in forum that helps very much. In addition, refreshing the template is quicker when you notice these stalls than restarting terminal. The problem is a complex of broker streaming and the load of the program. In cash accounts though I have not experienced this but in demo accounts we have situations where different servers produce different levels of hanging and some none at all. Please scan for the auto refresh indicator as I cannot recall where exactly the kind member who provided it posted the indicator. But it is very helpful. Sorry about this problem (and one reason the cloud version is needed).

These users thanked the author Darkdoji for the post (total 2):
ImpLaNT, regit

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