Re: Traders joking (Memes, Jokes & anything funny to pass time between trades)

teachers had the holy grail this whole time
your gonna sit on your undie for 6 hours and become a retard so you can go to college for 4 years to become an even bigger retard while we drain your bank account
lol who invented this nonsense
then your gonna be a slave to your boss who is complete idiot but had the balls to be the boss because only an idiot wants to manage other idiots
while taxes and inflation eat up your lifes savings and you work till your last limb and covid wipes out half of your family because they thought it was an actual disease but instead big pharma lied so you become an achoholic you becomes a zombie
thats the system

how many years wasted? wasted lives wasted time
wef,un,cia,demoncrats - their plan
cut your childs sex parts off or abort them
make you eat bugs and drink sewage water
divide races because of "slavery, terrorism, crime"
cyberhack your grid firewalls and airplanes
biological attack and fake vaccine for emergency power
take away your free speech or fire arms because its "the cause of all problems"
they trying to use a nuclear war and debt to usher digital currency
all while the banks go bankrupt and you lose your retirement

Re: Traders joking (Memes, Jokes & anything funny to pass time between trades)

wef,un,cia,demoncrats - their plan
cut your childs sex parts off or abort them
make you eat bugs and drink sewage water
divide races because of "slavery, terrorism, crime"
cyberhack your grid firewalls and airplanes
biological attack and fake vaccine for emergency power
take away your free speech or fire arms because its "the cause of all problems"
they trying to use a nuclear war and debt to usher digital currency
all while the banks go bankrupt and you lose your retirement

Re: Traders joking (Memes, Jokes & anything funny to pass time between trades)

Sijjin’s profile pic no context
These users thanked the author Starfish for the post:
wef,un,cia,demoncrats - their plan
cut your childs sex parts off or abort them
make you eat bugs and drink sewage water
divide races because of "slavery, terrorism, crime"
cyberhack your grid firewalls and airplanes
biological attack and fake vaccine for emergency power
take away your free speech or fire arms because its "the cause of all problems"
they trying to use a nuclear war and debt to usher digital currency
all while the banks go bankrupt and you lose your retirement

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