IndicatorPumba´s - Swing Trading System

Pumba´s Swing Trading System


🔻 Only Trade with the major Trend (Trend envelope)

🔻 Only Trade in the direction of APB Candle Color

🔻 Only Enter with Arrow Signal (ZWinner Alert)

🔻 Only Trade when Confirmation/Exit Indicator (QQE) confirms Trend
(Lines crossing)

🔻 Only Trade with RSI stepping UP/DOWN in your desired direction

Note: ZWinner is a simple 3 + 5 EMA cross Indicator, Arrows might disappear if MA´s are overlapped and Market changes direction, but it does not repaint



🔻 Exit with early Exit Indicator (QQE)

🔻 Exit when APB changed to opposite Color

🔻 Exit when AMR is hit

🔻 Exit at certain RR Target



🔻 Only Trade when Volatility Indicator shows “Volatility Valid”

🔻 Only Trade when Currency Indicator agrees

🔻 Only Trade when APB Candle has FULL Candle coloured

🔻 You may want to wait for a Pullback if AWR 100% is hit

🔻 You may want to wait for a Pullback if AMR 100% is hit


Updated Current Version

Small Update thanks to MrTolls on the APB Indicator:

Older Versions:

If anyone has problems with the Planet indicator even while using the Updated Version then please use either of these: Be aware that Signals might differ on V6, so I suggest using the V3 (in updated Version) without showing the Dots or the "OnChart" Version, This Indicator is still being Updated continously at the moment.
You need to:
  • Unpack the .rar file from the first post.
  • Then you copy the .ex4 files in your MT4`s indicator folder.
  • The script files go in the script folder, the .tpl file you copy in the template folder.
  • Done this, in MT4 you refresh your indicators list and load the "ForexSwing" template
These users thanked the author PumbaPLS for the post (total 2):
Forexlearner, andrewstone
You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

Re: Pumba´s - Swing Trading System

josi wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:02 am Tell me: does this setup remind you of Xard, Mustafa (old setup) and Beatlemania at all?
Tell me: What does it matter?

Forex Trading has been there for longer than 20Years already.

Xard is not the first one to use Fractals or ZigZag lines
Beatle is also not the first one to use an RSI or anything else.

There are differences which make this System in my opinion unqiue and better, hence I posted it.

I apologize if this thread offends you in any way
These users thanked the author PumbaPLS for the post (total 6):
josi, xard777, Jimmy, mello182, Yaya20, Forexlearner
You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

Re: Pumba´s - Swing Trading System

RplusT wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:11 am hahaha...Josi, I thought the same.
But on the other hand, I also feel that any effort trying to improve trading, major or minor, got to be supported.
As someone that is supposedly trading for a living I am sure you know that small details can have a significant difference in Trading.

There is a reason why I am neither Trading Xard´s or Beatle´s system and there is also a reason why I have shared this System instead.

I posted it. I am going to Trade it. What anyone else does with what I have posted is of no concern to me.
These users thanked the author PumbaPLS for the post:
You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

Re: Pumba´s - Swing Trading System

PumbaPLS wrote: Sun Mar 06, 2022 11:33 pm Hey guys, this is my own System I have build through the help of many People sharing and updating indicators and this is my way of giving the Community something back.

This System is for me mainly used as the Title suggest for Swing Trading on the Daily Timeframe, but it can be certainly also used for LTF Trading with adjusted settings mainly for the "lucky reversal" indicator.

Feel free to add or delete any indicator on this template and try out new things.

This is System has its Rules, but they are certainly not set in stone, play around with the template given and see what findings you get on your own.

I plan to show my Entries and will also later drop a myfxbook link in here where you can follow my Trades through a Demo account.

Edit: Yes this System has strong similarities to Xard´s System and to Beatles Hybrid System. Forex Trading has been there already for 20+ Years, Stock trading even longer.
There is a reason why I am neither Trading Xard´s or Beatle´s system and this is also the reason why I shared it.
Its up to you if you want to use it or not, I shared it for free.
This system looks very great and promising. ..
However, when I loaded it on my chart the volatility candle chart did not display..
What could be the issue?
Also the currency strength indi did not load.

Can you also provide a template with settings for a 15minutes chart, so we can try it out this week..

These users thanked the author Mickey Abi for the post (total 2):
PumbaPLS, keys898

Re: Pumba´s - Swing Trading System

Mickey Abi wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:18 am This system looks very great and promising. ..
However, when I loaded it on my chart the volatility candle chart did not display..
What could be the issue?
Also the currency strength indi did not load.

Can you also provide a template with settings for a 15minutes chart, so we can try it out this week..

I just copied the template on a different MT4 and it worked perfectly... sadly I dont know why it didnt work for you.

I try to later update the template and add presets in the file in case it happens to others.

the Candle volatility indicator is on your Chart, but for some reason the other indicator is missing.

search for "OIY - Planet-Hist" and drag it to the subwindow that says "Volality valid/low"

For lower timeframe settings try to change "lucky reversal (60)" back to 60 SRZZ, this should be all
Currency Strength settings Currency Strength settings
These users thanked the author PumbaPLS for the post (total 2):
Jimmy, moey_dw
You cannot solve a problem from the same consciousness that created it. You must learn to see the world anew

LikeRe: Pumba´s - Swing Trading System

PumbaPLS wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 1:47 am I just copied the template on a different MT4 and it worked perfectly... sadly I dont know why it didnt work for you.
this system looks ace man....... 😇😇😇

will try on my mt4 tomorrow & report back cos it looks very well put together i do not think there's can be issues cos pumba testing!!! love the VOLATILITY LOW warning too 👌👌👌
These users thanked the author moey_dw for the post:
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IdeaRe: Pumba´s - Swing Trading System

josi wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:02 am Tell me: does this setup remind you of Xard, Mustafa (old setup) and Beatlemania at all?
It looks neater! Which is a plus from me.

I reckon it's good to see more systems being posted and if they are built using Xard or someone else's strategy as a foundation, but they're even simpler to use or just an alternative, then even better right? 😊

This one has decent instructions too.
These users thanked the author ChuChu Rocket for the post (total 2):
josi, PumbaPLS

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