Re: The Binary Options Decline and FX Recovery: the New Intelligence Report is Here

The United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) apparently can not locate Peter Szatmari, who defrauded nearly 4 million USD from binary options investors.

In early October CFTC filed a five- count complaint against Szatmari for alleged violations of the Commodity Exchange Act and other Commission Regulations. Before filing the complaint however CFTC and Szatmari appeared to have agreed in principal on a settlement, from which Szatmari latter backed and disappeared.

When Szatmari attorney was asked a contact information, he said he no longer represents the defender and gave the Commission a Kahului, Hawaii P.O. Box address. After that development on November 25th CFTC initiated legal proceedings against Szatmari, by handling the case to the Hawaii District Court.

According to the CFTC files Szatmari used fraudulent marketing materials to lure potential customers to open binary options accounts and to fund them. On top of that he recommended brokers and offered automated trading software with free access, claiming that anyone can make huge profits without losing or risking a single dollar.

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