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Re: Indicators by William Blau (TSI, SMI, ECO & more) for MT4

Interesting so you figured out how to rename them now, so guess will have to quit sharing even the ex4's and ex5's now! Was an accident accidentally left out some code, posted a corrected version. oh ok, no problem, I thought you modified the code intentionally so we could rename the indicators my ...

Re: Indicators by William Blau (TSI, SMI, ECO & more) for MT4

mrtools wrote: Thu Sep 03, 2020 6:26 am

Added the signal cross arrows and optimized the code somewhat.
thanks for letting us rename the indicator and still use it. I think it's a good solution, because if someone tries to sell your indis, the user will see the warning, but we still can use it renamed
good job

Re: You are trying to use a renamed indicator - Firefox renaming files

ionone you discuss whether it makes sense or is comfortable to publish ex4 or mq4. But that's not the point here. due to an error in the firefox some downloads are incorrect. spaces are shortened for example. I think to avoid this error a programmer can simply assign file names without spaces but ...

Re: You are trying to use a renamed indicator - Firefox renaming files

I think Mladen and MrTools, Jimmy, etc should share the codes of all their indis. I know people pirate them, rename them and sell them, but that's the ransom of glory if you publish a book, people are gonna scan it, and resell it. Does it means you don't have to share your knowledge ? I try to open ...

What kind of Holy Grail ?

I'm wondering about the holy grail and i'm trying to understand what it could be. First option is a "simple" buy and sell arrows with 100% wins and trading all the time (taking ALL signals). Of course I don't think such holygrail exist, it would be insane Second option : a system that has 100% wins ...

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