Ehlers Indicators for MT4
Ehlers indicators are considered some of the best. His formulas are often seen on this site and a good veriety of these special formulas build a part of Mrtools & Mladen's "All Averages" filters.
There are so many different variations of "John Ehlers" Indicators,especially our experts (MLADEN and MRTOOLS) did a classic coding work in this regard and big thanks to their tireless and sincere contribution towards trading community.
few examples
EFT (ehler fisher transform)
DZ EFT (Dynamic zone ehler fisher transform)
EFT smoothed + Experiment versions
Ehlers super smoothed
Ehlers 2 pole/3 pole smoothed/super smoothed
Ehlers COG (center of gravity)
Ehlers distance coefficient filters
Ehlers nonlinear filter
EOTF (ehlers optimal tracking filter)
Elder Auto Envelope
and a lot more,so decide to open a separate "Ehlers" thread to have all ehler indicators at one stop shop for ease of users.
Below are documents as reference on using Ehler's indicators.
Ehlers Indicators for MT4
1Indicator is just a tool.
Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.
Use it only if it can benefit you. Leave it if you don't know how to use it optimally.