MagnifyRe: Ultimate TDI indicators thread for MT4

nomojofomo wrote: Wed Mar 05, 2025 2:08 pm I've converted the RSCross indicator in a previous post into a histogram
You're very experienced with the TDI (and RSI). I like the codes you make and I think this Histogram is very important for those who are filtering the TDI's conditions.

What attracts me to this Histogram is that it's freely adjustable and highlights Buy and Sell signals on specific condition:
  • A Buy signal is generated when the TDI Green crosses above the TDI Red signal line, but only once it's above the MBL (Yellow Market Base Line)
  • A Sell signal is generated when the TDI Green crosses below the TDI Red signal line, but only once it's below the MBL (Yellow Market Base Line)
This is a template I've put together including your indicator and my favorite version of Mrtools's TDI.
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Re: Ultimate TDI indicators thread for MT4

nomojofomo wrote: Wed Mar 05, 2025 2:08 pm M15Trade.png
It was too beautiful not to convert it for MT5

Thanks for this great idea.

These users thanked the author Cagliostro for the post (total 5):
mrtools, Jimmy, moey_dw, nomojofomo, boytoy
"I conjure from shadows and shape fortunes from the unseen. The treasure lies hidden in plain sight, beneath the sunlight." - Cagliostro

LikeRe: Ultimate TDI indicators thread for MT4

Cagliostro wrote: Thu Mar 06, 2025 1:38 pm It was too beautiful not to convert it for MT5

Thanks for this great idea.

You are too beautiful bro!!! Honey man thank you for caring and make the MT5 TDI version for a new generation of traders........ my cool friend from Italy 🙏🙏🙏
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Re: Ultimate TDI indicators thread for MT4

Thank you Cagliostro for this idea! A template idea that might assist not to fall into 'traps'. When one enters a trade, and then price starts to move the other way... The tdi being an oscillator, can signal both ways. Sometimes it's a bit confusing. So in the same way as this picture speaks about using tomato sauce (I asked Grok to make me a picture, obviously the ai doesn't eat).
Below is a "trading suggestion" using the tma as a guide to direction along with the dots indicator from Kvak.

The TMA is offering directional bias, and a quick reckoner on direction as shown above The TMA is offering directional bias, and a quick reckoner on direction as shown above

The indicator comes from Forex Station, and here's the settings I am using in the template The indicator comes from Forex Station, and here's the settings I am using in the template
Apologies from me, I am not able to find the link where the indicator originally came from. But thank you to the inventor, it's fantastic.

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Krunal Gajjar

Re: Ultimate TDI indicators thread for MT4

nomojofomo wrote: Sun Mar 09, 2025 8:58 pm Thank you Cagliostro for this idea! A template idea that might assist not to fall into 'traps'. When one enters a trade, and then price starts to move the other way... The tdi being an oscillator, can signal both ways. Sometimes it's a bit confusing. So in the same way as this picture speaks about using tomato sauce (I asked Grok to make me a picture, obviously the ai doesn't eat).


Below is a "trading suggestion" using the tma as a guide to direction along with the dots indicator from Kvak.



Apologies from me, I am not able to find the link where the indicator originally came from. But thank you to the inventor, it's fantastic.

Weekend is for relax and some testing. If I am not wrong we are looking from the same window here :)

I am also testing some new things, like testing the new USI from Elhers instead of normal RSI, adding COG filter, and perhaps using a zigzag based parallel channel instead of the cool TMA (it repaints together with the zigzag, and having 2 correlated repainting indicators is not the best).

In any case, love your view of the charts, this kind of sharing is the beauty of this community of strange people.

"I conjure from shadows and shape fortunes from the unseen. The treasure lies hidden in plain sight, beneath the sunlight." - Cagliostro

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