Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

Lenovo wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2024 8:17 pm curious this is for you, btcusd: blue background, channel hyper sold, zig zag 30 min down, background crossing, expert alexa buy on blue candle
Hello Lenovo,

Is amazing see you back again on action, and i love the simplicity of your charts.
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"In both trading and life, it’s not about how fast you move—it’s about how smart and disciplined you are with every step."

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

victortrend wrote: Fri Nov 29, 2024 7:40 pm I think the key to filter out many false signals is to always go with the market structure (that's why Xard insists on it so much). Here is an example to give you an idea. I hope it helps you. Best regards. ;)
Thank Victortrend for this wonderful post and the picture that explains the market structure perfectly. Applause
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Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

victortrend wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:32 pm Hello everyone, how is your week going? I wanted to ask you if you usually keep a diary of your trades that you do throughout the days? If so, how do you do it? Do you use any software, an Excel sheet, screenshots? I would like to know your opinion in this regard. ;)
Hi Victor,
I'm still one of the old school. At the end of the day I draw my ENTRY's and EXIT's and why I made that decision at that point. So the relevant information.
This is roughly how you usually draw it on your charts with entry and exit. And then you just have to answer the question WHY.
These users thanked the author Skyold for the post (total 4):
victortrend, lukgoku, Curioso, DaveTrader
We create order out of chaos - we trade that order, but sometimes that chaos is out of order, so we WAIT!!! for the order to return - and we trade again. XARD777

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

victortrend wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2024 7:32 pm Hello everyone, how is your week going? I wanted to ask you if you usually keep a diary of your trades that you do throughout the days? If so, how do you do it? Do you use any software, an Excel sheet, screenshots? I would like to know your opinion in this regard. ;)
Both of these scripts will take a snapshot of your trading screen prior to closing your trade and save the file to MQL4/Files directory.
Just edit the screen size for your snapshot and create a hotkey to launch the script
I use Alt+X for Panic Button (closes ALL trades) & Alt C for Chicken Switch (closes current chart trade) as hotkeys to close my trades.
Remember to place the enclosed scripts in the scripts folder.
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XARD: If Carlsberg made charts... Probably the best charts in the world

Re: XARD - Simple Trend Following Trading System

Screenshot of latest setup for everyone's perusal.

NB On the 30-minute screen:
Make sure to focus on the Dots located at the top and bottom of each session box.
These users thanked the author xard777 for the post (total 14):
Skyold, victortrend, mazibee, Cagliostro, chris006, Abzak, 88FX88, GerhardMTB, Samoth, ODJ, Curioso, eduarescobar, thomdel, LorenzoNexus
XARD: If Carlsberg made charts... Probably the best charts in the world

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