Hello everyone!
I hope you're crushing your results!
It’s been several weeks since I last visited the forum, and I have a lot of reading to catch up on. During my absence, I opened a 20,000 € FTMO prop firm account to try and pass the challenge, which consists of two stages.
After 6 days, I successfully passed the first stage, reaching the 10% profit target.
My strategy? I was only trading second DOT points on the M1 timeframe.
While I'm proud of this initial success, I’ve realized that I was taking too many risks. This strategy is too basic and won’t be sustainable in the long run for various reasons.
This is where I need your help...
For now, I’m not aiming for crazy performance like 10%, 20%, or 60% profit per day.
My goal is simple: to generate 2% per day on a 160,000 € prop firm account.
This may seem like a modest percentage, but it would already allow me to achieve some financial independence.
I’m looking to simplify my approach to consistently reach that 2% daily target.
Do you have any advice on trading second DOT points effectively with my modest goal?
Thanks in advance for your feedback, and I wish you all great success!