Yeah it's Ultimate rsi in tradingview, somewhere somehow I got the name Augmented in my head, will change to ultimate on next update.
Code: Select all
// This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
// © LuxAlgo
indicator("Ultimate RSI [LuxAlgo]", "LuxAlgo - Ultimate RSI")
length =, minval = 2)
smoType1 = input.string('RMA', 'Method', options = ['EMA', 'SMA', 'RMA', 'TMA'])
src = input(close, 'Source')
arsiCss = input(color.silver, 'Color', inline = 'rsicss')
autoCss = input(true, 'Auto', inline = 'rsicss')
//Signal Line
smooth =, minval = 1, group = 'Signal Line')
smoType2 = input.string('EMA', 'Method', options = ['EMA', 'SMA', 'RMA', 'TMA'], group = 'Signal Line')
signalCss = input(#ff5d00, 'Color', group = 'Signal Line')
//OB/OS Style
obValue = input.float(80, 'Overbought', inline = 'ob', group = 'OB/OS Style')
obCss = input(#089981, '', inline = 'ob', group = 'OB/OS Style')
obAreaCss = input(, 80), '', inline = 'ob', group = 'OB/OS Style')
osValue = input.float(20, 'Oversold ', inline = 'os', group = 'OB/OS Style')
osCss = input(#f23645, '', inline = 'os', group = 'OB/OS Style')
osAreaCss = input(, 80), '', inline = 'os', group = 'OB/OS Style')
ma(x, len, maType)=>
switch maType
'EMA' => ta.ema(x, len)
'SMA' => ta.sma(x, len)
'RMA' => ta.rma(x, len)
'TMA' => ta.sma(ta.sma(x, len), len)
//Augmented RSI
upper = ta.highest(src, length)
lower = ta.lowest(src, length)
r = upper - lower
d = src - src[1]
diff = upper > upper[1] ? r
: lower < lower[1] ? -r
: d
num = ma(diff, length, smoType1)
den = ma(math.abs(diff), length, smoType1)
arsi = num / den * 50 + 50
signal = ma(arsi, smooth, smoType2)
plot_rsi = plot(arsi, 'Ultimate RSI'
, arsi > obValue ? obCss
: arsi < osValue ? osCss
: autoCss ? chart.fg_color : arsiCss)
plot(signal, 'Signal Line', signalCss)
plot_up = plot(obValue, color = na, editable = false)
plot_avg = plot(50, color = na, editable = false)
plot_dn = plot(osValue, color = na, editable = false)
fill(plot_rsi, plot_up, arsi > obValue ? obAreaCss : na)
fill(plot_dn, plot_rsi, arsi < osValue ? osAreaCss : na)
fill(plot_rsi, plot_avg, obValue, 50, obAreaCss,, 100))
fill(plot_avg, plot_rsi, 50, osValue,, 100), osAreaCss)
hline(obValue, 'Overbought')
hline(50, 'Midline')
hline(osValue, 'Oversold')
ps) Thought I was losing my last few remaining brain cells, but found Augmented Rsi in the code, phew!!!