Re: WW3 Countdown

;) General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine / General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
22 min ·
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 16.11.23 were approximately:
personnel / about 315620 (+1130) persons / persons,
tanks ‒ 5388 (+11) units,
armored combat vehicles / APV ‒ 10121 (+17) units,
artillery systems – 7683 (+36) units,
RSZV / MLRS – 892 (+8) units,
anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 585 (+3) units,
aircraft – 323 (+0) units,
helicopters – 324 (+0) units,
UAV operational-tactical level – 5689 (+14),
cruise missiles ‒ 1563 (+1),
ships / boats / warships / boats ‒ 22 (+0) units,
submarines - 1 (+0) units,
vehicles and fuel tanks – 10,060 (+40) units,
special equipment / special equipment ‒ 1084 (+1)
These users thanked the author vvFish for the post:
"Only the price on the chart can show the entrance to the deal..."

Re: WW3 Countdown

To recap recent events, US CIA chief Burns is due to visit Kiev and he will be telling Zelensky that western aid is near finished and he must start talking to Russia to resolve the conflict.

The Russians have already intimated it's all far too late and besides, they will not trust Kiev or the west again.

So Russia will wait for the dissolution of the Ukrainian frontline forces (very close now) and incorporate 5 more oblasts into Russia as a buffer zone leaving the north west corner to the Ukrainian Banderites. NATO and the EU can have that leftover rump state if they want it (they won't).

''Evidence keeps piling up, via leaked reports, of an across-the-board breakdown in the Ukrainian frontlines...''

The attached document, fully verified for authenticity, is a July report to the Chief of Staff of the operational-tactical group “Sumy”.

The report essentially says that it’s impossible to withdraw two thirds of the A7383 unit from the battlefield to recover combat readiness because the remaining one third is incapable of holding the fort – which happens to extend along 55.5 km. ... -revisited

Lastest update from Alexander Mercouris

MSM: Avdeyevka Ukr Faces Defeat, Ammo Shortages; Kherson Blocked; $60 Oil Price Cap Total Fail

OH SH*T! Poland is DONE with Ukraine and it's about to get UGLY

Re: WW3 Countdown

CIA's Desperate Gambit in Kiev:

The arrival of CIA Director William Burns in Kiev signals a critical juncture in the Ukraine conflict. As the situation intensifies, Burns' urgent mission is a stark indicator of Ukraine's dire state. The Zelensky regime, once propagated as an emblem of resilience, now teeters on the brink of collapse, overwhelmed by insurmountable casualties and internal strife.

This visit raises a crucial question: Is Ukraine on the cusp of a necessary capitulation, or is a coup on the horizon? Amidst these high-level meetings, the on-ground reality in Ukraine is catastrophic. The country has cycled through 3 armies, now relying on an untrained and under-equipped force consisting largely of older men, women, and youths. This strategic dilution is no accident but a calculated Russian tactic: a meat-grinding strategy designed to deplete Ukraine's military strength and incite political chaos in Kiev.

As tensions escalate, an internal power struggle unfolds. Zelensky, in a bid to consolidate power, appears poised to purge key military figures, including Zaluzhny. This move would destabilize the already fragile military structure, further diminishing its capacity to withstand Russian advances. Meanwhile, Zelensky's admin grapples with allegations of corruption, with reports of rampant graft and theft, potentially affecting the flow of vital aid.

In this high-stakes environment, Burns' role is beyond mere diplomatic support. His presence underscores a broader strategic dilemma: whether to continue propping up a faltering regime or recalibrate US policy in the region. With Washington's ambitions to embed NATO in Ukraine, the implications of Burns' visit are profound. How will the US navigate this precarious situation, and at what cost? As the war reaches an inevitable tipping point, one must ask: Is the pursuit of a NATO foothold in Ukraine worth the cost? The very existence of NATO itself may well be the cost.

The Islander News

Kim Dotcom

Re: WW3 Countdown

The War Street Journal acknowledges that the narratives it’s been pushing for months — of a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, a possible palace coup in Moscow, a Russian economy in tatters — are “Magical Thinking.” In other words, their coverage has been a fraud.
@DavidSacks 14h

@vicktop55 18h
“Zelensky must be honest about the military conflict”: Spectator gives the Ukrainian president advice - he must stop talking about victory and admit defeat. The West must also be honest with Ukraine. As Austrian Army Colonel Markus Reisner said, the time has come to draw a line under the summer counteroffensive and focus on strengthening Ukraine's preparations for a new attempt in the spring.
Reisner sees only two options: the West must provide Ukraine with all the weapons it needs without restrictions, or admit that victory is impossible. “Then we need to tell the Ukrainians about this and perhaps start negotiations,” he added. “In this case, we must admit that the Ukrainian state in its current form may cease to exist because Russia will destroy it.”

Zelensky’s honesty, like the honesty of the West, is something unreal from the realm of fantasy. “Supplying Ukraine with the necessary weapons without restrictions” means entering into a direct war with Russia. This won't happen, I hope. Therefore, regardless of whether Zelensky and the West admit defeat in the war or not, Russia will win, that is, it will liquidate the Nazi, anti-Russian state of Ukraine.

Re: WW3 Countdown

Penny Pritzker, US Special Representative for Ukraine’s Recovery, has suggested that officials imagine how the country could survive economically without US aid during her first visit to Ukraine.

Ukrainska Pravda stated that her first visit to Ukraine had left "a rather disturbing aftertaste in many government offices" here.

(US prepping Ukraine for Burns' imminent visit)

Re: WW3 Countdown

;) General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine / General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
3 hours ·
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 17.11.23 were approximately:
personnel / about 316760 (+1140) persons / persons,
tanks ‒ 5415 (+27) units,
armored fighting vehicles / APV ‒ 10132 (+11) units,
artillery systems – 7712 (+29) units,
RSZV / MLRS – 895 (+3) units,
anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 585 (+0) units,
aircraft – 323 (+0) units,
helicopters – 324 (+0) units,
UAV operational-tactical level – 5709 (+20),
cruise missiles ‒ 1563 (+0),
ships / boats / warships / boats ‒ 22 (+0) units,
submarines - 1 (+0) units,
vehicles and fuel tanks – 10,077 (+17) units,
special equipment / special equipment ‒ 1086 (+2)
These users thanked the author vvFish for the post:
"Only the price on the chart can show the entrance to the deal..."

Re: WW3 Countdown

;) General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine / General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
1 min ·
The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 18.11.23 were approximately:
of personnel / personnel ‒ about 317380 (+620) persons / persons,
tanks ‒ 5422 (+7) units,
armored combat vehicles / APV ‒ 10141 (+9) units,
artillery systems – 7726 (+14) units,
RSZV / MLRS – 896 (+1) units,
anti-aircraft warfare systems ‒ 586 (+1) units,
aircraft – 323 (+0) units,
helicopters – 324 (+0) units,
UAV operational-tactical level – 5726 (+17),
cruise missiles ‒ 1563 (+0),
ships / boats / warships / boats ‒ 22 (+0) units,
submarines - 1 (+0) units,
vehicles and fuel tanks – 10,091 (+14) units,
special equipment / special equipment ‒ 1090 (+4)
These users thanked the author vvFish for the post:
"Only the price on the chart can show the entrance to the deal..."

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