Re: X-Gen Trend Trading System

dacanba wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 1:38 am Beatlemania take what works for you
do not repaint
Thanks, dacanba for sharing these, however, I have them all already. Nevertheless, due to the flexibility of the X-Gen setup, traders can add or remove any indicator that they want to. Everyone has to have the setup that will best suit their trading style.

My goal is to facilitate that process and give traders a framework around which to build their "own" setup.

X-Gen will give traders the best of both worlds. Using indicators as well as trading via pure price action ;) All via the simple click of a button.

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BEATS V5 - "Enjoy The Quiet Between Trades”

Improve Your Trading Psychology - NO FEAR, NO DOUBT

Re: XU-Hybrid X-Gen = Flexibility

Tradehunter wrote: Sat Jun 10, 2023 12:49 am Might be cool to have a candle button so ppl can pop in trendlines and levels easier.
Great job btw
Traders can add whichever indicator they like to the system. There is no need for me to add every possible combination. There are many great trendline, pivot, and fibonacci indicators on the forum :)

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BEATS V5 - "Enjoy The Quiet Between Trades”

Improve Your Trading Psychology - NO FEAR, NO DOUBT

TDI videos (Dean Malone & Steve Mauro)

Hi guys,

Here are some of the TDI videos by Dean Malone and Steve Mauro from his BTMM course. Unfortunately, I only have them in .swf format. I've attempted to convert them to other formats but the results were terrible.

So, in the zip file, I've included the swf player I use to watch .swf files :)

Enjoy. The TDI is truly a great indicator (as always just my personal opinion ;) )

Warmest regards,

TDI Videos:
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Jonex1995, Tradehunter, maroka, Jedidiah, Chickenspicy, eduarescobar, DaveTrader, tvhh94, RodrigoRT7, Filipino_guy
BEATS V5 - "Enjoy The Quiet Between Trades”

Improve Your Trading Psychology - NO FEAR, NO DOUBT

CandlesticksX-Gen is released

Hi, all forum members and guests,

Here it is. The latest and newest version of the XU-Hybrid project, X-Gen. My goal was to make it extremely easy and simple to follow as well as include a great deal of flexibility. You can either do your trading with the help of the indicators, simple price action OR use both!

All of this can be achieved with a simple click of a button. The layout of X-Gen is as follows:

As with any system, it is important to have a defined set of rules. I have included it on the chart for you to call up and review at any time. Please feel free to amend them to your style of trading. Please remember that NO guarantee is giving of success. Any and all success will depend on you and your ability to follow YOUR rules and control your EMOTIONS when trading!

Now it is easy in hindsight to say when and where you should have entered. That is why I encourage all users of this or any other trading system to develop the habit of making flash cards. Steve Mauro speaks about this extensively in his BTMM course. It works because in time you will be able to see the patterns develop. So now we can look at the charts in this way...

To assist you in making that final decision and check on your rules simply click either rules button in the bottom right of the chart.

An additional feature I've included is the ability to check for higher timeframe Supply and Demand zones when making your trading decision. They are the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Higher Timeframes from the current chart timeframe.

Included are also templates for small screens and larger screens (with or without the ATS). So give it a try and provide your feedback for the benefit of all forum members and guests :).

Warmest regards,

X-GEN Trading System
BEATS V5 - "Enjoy The Quiet Between Trades”

Improve Your Trading Psychology - NO FEAR, NO DOUBT

Re: X-Gen Trend Trading System

Siedonai wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:39 am @BeatlemaniaSA thank you for one more amazing system.
I suppose ATS levels are our targets. And when the price doesn't go in our direction or it doesn't reach the target, which exit option do you recommend?
I will be making a post tomorrow about the exit options available (with screenshots). So don't stress about it :) ATS liquidity levels are but one of the exit targets ;)
These users thanked the author BeatlemaniaSA for the post (total 7):
Siedonai, RodrigoRT7, Gethsemane, Jonex1995, saishala, tvhh94, yoki
BEATS V5 - "Enjoy The Quiet Between Trades”

Improve Your Trading Psychology - NO FEAR, NO DOUBT

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