This is an educational post made to inspire others. Work hard as i have , and you might succeed as well.
All of these trades are taken on a 100k account. If you want to know the system i use , its called adts and its available on mql5. I am not the dev , nor am i making promotion here for you to buy it.
It works for me and i decided to stick to it, thats all.
Here i will post all my trades with explanations and screenshots , in the hopes that people can learn from them.
I will not share signals , sell mentorship or anything. Im posting this to record my trades and inspire others to better themselves.
And if i am to be honest , its good to succeed and record this sucess after beeing rekt by the market so hard.
This is my road to 'having so much money that its fucking nonsense'
You will see my victories and my failures in a transparent way. I wont post only winning trades. You will see them ALL.
Dont ask me to sell you anything , because the answer is NO.
For those wondering why my nasdaq and daw trades hit often during the night , i trade cfds , not real futures.
Gaarmitaar printing money everyday
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- whiteadrian23, ffsss, Chickenspicy