Re: DSL (Discontinued Signal Line) indicators

berserkyjc wrote: Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:26 pm Dear Masters
do we have a mt4 of DSL CMO?
counldn't find here
DSL (Discontinued Signal Line) CMO Chande Momentum Oscillator

Made this version. The dsl is colored as a sort of no trade zone.

Re: DSL (Discontinued Signal Line) indicators

mrtools wrote: Fri Nov 11, 2022 5:02 am Added filters.
DSL (Discontinued Signal Line) CMO Chande Momentum Oscillator - Jurik Smoothing for Price + Traditional Options

This is a continuation of the dsl cmo, that is using jurik to smooth the price, also on this version you have a choice to use the traditional discontinued signal line anchored around the zero line or a more aggressive non anchored version (similar or the same as the dslu from Mladen).
These users thanked the author mrtools for the post (total 11):
Ricstar_8, 太虚一毫, Jimmy, Krunal Gajjar, Mundu19, vvFish, Milad8732, Jedidiah, alexm, RodrigoRT7, Akela

HappyRe: DSL (Discontinued Signal Line) indicators

mrtools wrote: Fri Nov 11, 2022 6:52 am This is a continuation of the dsl cmo, that is using jurik to smooth the price, also on this version you have a choice to use the traditional discontinued signal line anchored around the zero line or a more aggressive non anchored version (similar or the same as the dslu from Mladen).
Noticed a few people downloaded already, had mistakenly posted the wrong version, posted the correct version now. Sorry about that! :mistake:
These users thanked the author mrtools for the post (total 4):
thomdel, Jimmy, vvFish, Jedidiah

Re: DSL (Discontinued Signal Line) indicators

josi wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:54 pm Thanks a lot for this one!
Looking at wFish's screenshot it becomes clearer than ever: everybody trades differently and has to find his or her own inputs for bias:
sw 1 my inputs
sw 2 standard inputs
What do you see? Downtrend or retracement?
I'm going to say retracement :D

We'll have to see, I don't trade indices though

Just my opinion

Sunday funday!
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Re: DSL (Discontinued Signal Line) indicators

josi wrote: Sun Nov 13, 2022 8:54 pm Thanks a lot for this one!
Looking at wFish's screenshot it becomes clearer than ever: everybody trades differently and has to find his or her own inputs for bias:
sw 1 my inputs
sw 2 standard inputs
What do you see? Downtrend or retracement?
Followed this today, looks like we are at daily point of interest. Could be some nice moves happening soon.

Either up/Flip or down, Time will tell:)
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Re: DSL (Discontinued Signal Line) indicators

ADX Trend indicator with Jurik (DSL)

This is a dsl adx trend guess you can say it's using Jurik all through it, but nevertheless still almost the same as the regular version. This version has options for anchored or non-anchored dsl's.

Anchored vs Non Anchored DSL

  • Traditional Discontinued Signal Line is anchored around the zero line
  • Non anchored is more aggressive and is adjusting itself all the time based on the change of the values of the calculated indicator. In this case, it's the ADX Trend being calculated

PS: For the Histogram version, please see here: ADX Trend indicator with Jurik (DSL) Histogram.

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